Selasa, 17 November 2009


the pray before sleep

This morning
I wanna close my eyes
To sleep

In my mind
There are facts clinging on
Everything must go on
No matter how relative the faith is

Those won’t be carried away to my dream

Good morning!
Good dream!

Bekasi, 3 November 2007

Writing is Thinking; Survive to Keep Writing

Written by : Nailal Armstrong

Why do we have to write?

I simply answer “because we need”. Whatever your job is, whatever your talent is, whatever your hobbies are, you need to express your idea; clear, systematical and strong. You need to write.

In my opinion, writing is a sort of thinking. It is the way for you to exercise in order to have better opinion. Writing is not easy if you just only try it once or twice and after that you wish for a miracle comes and perfect your writing. It is also not as difficult as you thought if you know how to do it, however. Just as the other skills that need determination in the beginning and perseverance to the end, so does writing.

However, in the reality, writing seems difficult because some people did not generally have enough or appropriate lesson of this skill in the schools as needed. And when they realize about the importance of writing, they could become an impatient person. Other people start it passionately but with not much preparation, and after a while they get the feeling of pessimism and lack of talent. But remember, writing needs consistence, perseverance, and passion to survive.

I think, almost everything can be written. But whether or not the person wants and has courage to write is all that matters. If the lack of idea becomes the reason of not being able to write, to me that is just a silly reason. In actual fact, our heads have thousands and even millions of ideas waiting to be written.

If someone asks me to write something, I will start with the strongest feeling that I have in that moment. Once more, the strongest feeling. For example:
“Today I’m having the writer’s block. Maybe there are some reasons that block the ideas in my mind to appear yet… and so on… and so on…”

After that I will correlate something that I am writing with the theme.

Maybe for some people this technique sounds funny and cannot be realized. For example, if your strongest feeling at that time is hunger but the theme is about independence, so what is relationship between hungers and independence? Nothing.

But that is the way how the brain works; to relate one to another. This is the theory brought by A.S. Laksana in his book Creative Writing. He wrote that you can push your idea out by taking three words randomly and then you put them in a paragraph or more.

In writing, it is usual if you find the first draft you write is very messy. The text becomes broken text. It might not become an enjoyable text or it sometimes does not focus. But for me, it is no problem. For a starter, it is better than nothing. Even one of the famous writers once said that 80 present of his first draft is shit.

And to finish writing, we need to write fast. Why do we need to write fast? It is because it can keep our mood. Writing mood. For me, fast writing can save my mood. It also can produce a humble and honest writing. Fast writing, to me, is the same as fast speaking. If the others can understand to what we are talking then they will understand to what we are writing as well. And to make writing as understandable as speaking , we need to write fast.

Why can we speak fast? It is because we know something that we want to tell and how to tell it. We also can speak fast because we don’t need to think hard to find the ‘magic’ words. We just speak to express our ideas clearly. It also happens in fast writing.

And the last but not least, write without editing! Yes, don’t combine these two different things; writing and editing. Separate them. So write fast and badly just like you speak! Don’t mind about errors and thee perfect ending because there is still one more step to make it better; editing.

Finally, writing needs a clear minds, determination, and perseverance.

Bekasi, October 2009

Flying to Catch the Sky of Hope

There are two reasons that make the journal in the readers hand is still published; the first is passion, and the second is hope.

Whatever your goal is, or whatever you are doing, there are always obstacles ahead. It also happens to this journal. There are some obstacles have hampered since the beginning of creating and publishing Modesty up until now. Lack of writers, funds, and not to mention the rejection from some people. However, we could learn the lesson from it.

Above all, fortunately, we have some writers that are still able to spare their time to write for this journal. They are the people who survive. The survivors. They have endless spirit to keep writing everything they feel and see around them, their fresh ideas and also their response of the theme. This spirit is in accordance with one of the goal of this journal; to show that the creativity can never be stopped.

We know that life is a battlefield, and the winners are those who still survive facing life. We also know how our heroes had survived and never gave up fighting the colonialism for 350 years. And finally, we gained our freedom.

November 10th is the day that we know as Heroes Day. There are many tasks that we must do as the next nation generation. Again and again, we still have to survive for not being colonized anymore. We have to be able to stand on our own feet.

One more time, with the passion and hope that will never die, we proudly present our seventh journal.


A Good Moslem

written by : Moreno Soeprapto

If there is anyone underestimate you.
Smile to him beautifully
If there is anyone betrayed you
Hug him nicely
If there is anyone injures you
Forgive and serve him in all possible ways
If you can control your anger
You are the hero
You are the winner
And you will be a good Moslem.

I Want It

The beautiful sky is getting red
Many birds want to fly home
Enjoy them selves to good happiness
Stay for a while
Sing to others
Just for small happiness

They listen daily
They meet monthly
They hold yearly
It’s like annual custom
When can it stop?

I like the real one
Real that can invite happiness
Cure the big sadness
Even cross to the ocean
To the mountain

There are no give up on their face
There is nothing to stop that
Happiness in their mind

E-Soen Class
October, 2009

A Monologue of Sorry

Written by : Nailal Armstrong

"Whatever it is you're seeking won't come in the form you're expecting."

Haruki Murakami

There are some whishes happened as I want. There are some didn’t happen as I want. And there are some haven’t happened yet.

For some whishes that haven’t happened yet, they can be happened as I want or as I don’t want. That is what I call hope. There is no one knows what will happen in the future. No one. So, many people wish something will happen as they want. Something good will happen not bad. But how many whishes became just empty whishes? Because something happens is unexpected.

Some people of course have ambitions that they want to realize. But there are also many people are even afraid for thinking about their ambitions. It is because they already saw failures. They saw something that didn’t fit with their whishes. What had happened is something far from what they want to reach. So they were sure that their ambitions became impossible.

How can those things happen? Why conditions around us can control our whishes and our hopes? Why do they seem to make failure?

I am the one who ever feel that feeling. I feel that the conditions are often the opposite of what I hope. I realize that every act I take is nothing. And my ambitions that I have ever had seem impossible.

At first I claimed that the bad conditions are my enemies. The bad conditions around me can make me become pessimistic, bored, stingy and etc. They control me too much.

But, the more I blame the conditions around me, the more I blame something that creates the conditions, the one who designs, controls and cares of the whole world. God. I blame God for what had happened to me; to every condition He created it for me. The conditions were against my will.

I know that was wrong!
My friend said that many success people came from bad conditions. Thomas Alfa Edison was born with not normal ears. Hamka finished his Tafsir in the jail. And the genius Bill Gates didn’t come from a rich family.

I regret because I ever blamed God to what He had made to me. I say sorry to Him in every pray. I realize that I am the one who control what is going to happen to me. The condition around me is not the obstacle to realize my dreams, my wishes. Even in the most difficult situation or condition, I will always still have a thing that I call a hope.

I realize there are many things didn’t fit with what I want. Many things are out of my control to change. The conditions made me pessimistic with everything that I ever dreamt of. And I remember what Allah says in Qur’an,

But it is possible
That you dislike a thing
Which is good for you,
And that you love a thing
Which is bad for you.

Al Baqara: 216

Bekasi, 28 September 2009

Forgiveness is the Most Powerful Healer

Why is Forgiveness essential to a happy life?

What does the word "forgiveness" mean to you? To me, it means surrender, letting go, allowing, and acceptance. Acceptance of what is, of what has been, and acceptance of ourselves just the way we are. Forgiveness means that we choose to LOVE rather than to hate the world.

There are many ways to define "forgiveness". Traditional Forgiveness implies that even though something really terrible happened, we stop obsessing over it. We "let bygones be bygones" and we allow the passage of time to help soothe our aching hearts. We may even move toward a kind of partial compassion with the thought, "he or she didn't know any better" or "they were doing the best they could." With Traditional Forgiveness, there are distinct roles that we and our adversaries play, which usually take the form of victim and perpetrator. Sometimes we are the victims, and the other person is the perpetrator. In these cases, we often feel anger, fear, betrayal, jealousy, disillusionment and hatred when we contemplate what has happened. In other situations, we are the perpetrators, and we feel fear, guilt, shame and despair when we think about what we did to our victim(s).
We realize, "So life wasn't out to get me after all!" We learn to include ALL of what has taken place, no matter what it felt like or looked like. Bringing this new vitality all the way into the physical cells of our body, we wash away old beliefs with loving, forgiving, and compassion.

Find your freedom by forgiving your world!