Selasa, 17 November 2009


the pray before sleep

This morning
I wanna close my eyes
To sleep

In my mind
There are facts clinging on
Everything must go on
No matter how relative the faith is

Those won’t be carried away to my dream

Good morning!
Good dream!

Bekasi, 3 November 2007

Writing is Thinking; Survive to Keep Writing

Written by : Nailal Armstrong

Why do we have to write?

I simply answer “because we need”. Whatever your job is, whatever your talent is, whatever your hobbies are, you need to express your idea; clear, systematical and strong. You need to write.

In my opinion, writing is a sort of thinking. It is the way for you to exercise in order to have better opinion. Writing is not easy if you just only try it once or twice and after that you wish for a miracle comes and perfect your writing. It is also not as difficult as you thought if you know how to do it, however. Just as the other skills that need determination in the beginning and perseverance to the end, so does writing.

However, in the reality, writing seems difficult because some people did not generally have enough or appropriate lesson of this skill in the schools as needed. And when they realize about the importance of writing, they could become an impatient person. Other people start it passionately but with not much preparation, and after a while they get the feeling of pessimism and lack of talent. But remember, writing needs consistence, perseverance, and passion to survive.

I think, almost everything can be written. But whether or not the person wants and has courage to write is all that matters. If the lack of idea becomes the reason of not being able to write, to me that is just a silly reason. In actual fact, our heads have thousands and even millions of ideas waiting to be written.

If someone asks me to write something, I will start with the strongest feeling that I have in that moment. Once more, the strongest feeling. For example:
“Today I’m having the writer’s block. Maybe there are some reasons that block the ideas in my mind to appear yet… and so on… and so on…”

After that I will correlate something that I am writing with the theme.

Maybe for some people this technique sounds funny and cannot be realized. For example, if your strongest feeling at that time is hunger but the theme is about independence, so what is relationship between hungers and independence? Nothing.

But that is the way how the brain works; to relate one to another. This is the theory brought by A.S. Laksana in his book Creative Writing. He wrote that you can push your idea out by taking three words randomly and then you put them in a paragraph or more.

In writing, it is usual if you find the first draft you write is very messy. The text becomes broken text. It might not become an enjoyable text or it sometimes does not focus. But for me, it is no problem. For a starter, it is better than nothing. Even one of the famous writers once said that 80 present of his first draft is shit.

And to finish writing, we need to write fast. Why do we need to write fast? It is because it can keep our mood. Writing mood. For me, fast writing can save my mood. It also can produce a humble and honest writing. Fast writing, to me, is the same as fast speaking. If the others can understand to what we are talking then they will understand to what we are writing as well. And to make writing as understandable as speaking , we need to write fast.

Why can we speak fast? It is because we know something that we want to tell and how to tell it. We also can speak fast because we don’t need to think hard to find the ‘magic’ words. We just speak to express our ideas clearly. It also happens in fast writing.

And the last but not least, write without editing! Yes, don’t combine these two different things; writing and editing. Separate them. So write fast and badly just like you speak! Don’t mind about errors and thee perfect ending because there is still one more step to make it better; editing.

Finally, writing needs a clear minds, determination, and perseverance.

Bekasi, October 2009

Flying to Catch the Sky of Hope

There are two reasons that make the journal in the readers hand is still published; the first is passion, and the second is hope.

Whatever your goal is, or whatever you are doing, there are always obstacles ahead. It also happens to this journal. There are some obstacles have hampered since the beginning of creating and publishing Modesty up until now. Lack of writers, funds, and not to mention the rejection from some people. However, we could learn the lesson from it.

Above all, fortunately, we have some writers that are still able to spare their time to write for this journal. They are the people who survive. The survivors. They have endless spirit to keep writing everything they feel and see around them, their fresh ideas and also their response of the theme. This spirit is in accordance with one of the goal of this journal; to show that the creativity can never be stopped.

We know that life is a battlefield, and the winners are those who still survive facing life. We also know how our heroes had survived and never gave up fighting the colonialism for 350 years. And finally, we gained our freedom.

November 10th is the day that we know as Heroes Day. There are many tasks that we must do as the next nation generation. Again and again, we still have to survive for not being colonized anymore. We have to be able to stand on our own feet.

One more time, with the passion and hope that will never die, we proudly present our seventh journal.


A Good Moslem

written by : Moreno Soeprapto

If there is anyone underestimate you.
Smile to him beautifully
If there is anyone betrayed you
Hug him nicely
If there is anyone injures you
Forgive and serve him in all possible ways
If you can control your anger
You are the hero
You are the winner
And you will be a good Moslem.

I Want It

The beautiful sky is getting red
Many birds want to fly home
Enjoy them selves to good happiness
Stay for a while
Sing to others
Just for small happiness

They listen daily
They meet monthly
They hold yearly
It’s like annual custom
When can it stop?

I like the real one
Real that can invite happiness
Cure the big sadness
Even cross to the ocean
To the mountain

There are no give up on their face
There is nothing to stop that
Happiness in their mind

E-Soen Class
October, 2009

A Monologue of Sorry

Written by : Nailal Armstrong

"Whatever it is you're seeking won't come in the form you're expecting."

Haruki Murakami

There are some whishes happened as I want. There are some didn’t happen as I want. And there are some haven’t happened yet.

For some whishes that haven’t happened yet, they can be happened as I want or as I don’t want. That is what I call hope. There is no one knows what will happen in the future. No one. So, many people wish something will happen as they want. Something good will happen not bad. But how many whishes became just empty whishes? Because something happens is unexpected.

Some people of course have ambitions that they want to realize. But there are also many people are even afraid for thinking about their ambitions. It is because they already saw failures. They saw something that didn’t fit with their whishes. What had happened is something far from what they want to reach. So they were sure that their ambitions became impossible.

How can those things happen? Why conditions around us can control our whishes and our hopes? Why do they seem to make failure?

I am the one who ever feel that feeling. I feel that the conditions are often the opposite of what I hope. I realize that every act I take is nothing. And my ambitions that I have ever had seem impossible.

At first I claimed that the bad conditions are my enemies. The bad conditions around me can make me become pessimistic, bored, stingy and etc. They control me too much.

But, the more I blame the conditions around me, the more I blame something that creates the conditions, the one who designs, controls and cares of the whole world. God. I blame God for what had happened to me; to every condition He created it for me. The conditions were against my will.

I know that was wrong!
My friend said that many success people came from bad conditions. Thomas Alfa Edison was born with not normal ears. Hamka finished his Tafsir in the jail. And the genius Bill Gates didn’t come from a rich family.

I regret because I ever blamed God to what He had made to me. I say sorry to Him in every pray. I realize that I am the one who control what is going to happen to me. The condition around me is not the obstacle to realize my dreams, my wishes. Even in the most difficult situation or condition, I will always still have a thing that I call a hope.

I realize there are many things didn’t fit with what I want. Many things are out of my control to change. The conditions made me pessimistic with everything that I ever dreamt of. And I remember what Allah says in Qur’an,

But it is possible
That you dislike a thing
Which is good for you,
And that you love a thing
Which is bad for you.

Al Baqara: 216

Bekasi, 28 September 2009

Forgiveness is the Most Powerful Healer

Why is Forgiveness essential to a happy life?

What does the word "forgiveness" mean to you? To me, it means surrender, letting go, allowing, and acceptance. Acceptance of what is, of what has been, and acceptance of ourselves just the way we are. Forgiveness means that we choose to LOVE rather than to hate the world.

There are many ways to define "forgiveness". Traditional Forgiveness implies that even though something really terrible happened, we stop obsessing over it. We "let bygones be bygones" and we allow the passage of time to help soothe our aching hearts. We may even move toward a kind of partial compassion with the thought, "he or she didn't know any better" or "they were doing the best they could." With Traditional Forgiveness, there are distinct roles that we and our adversaries play, which usually take the form of victim and perpetrator. Sometimes we are the victims, and the other person is the perpetrator. In these cases, we often feel anger, fear, betrayal, jealousy, disillusionment and hatred when we contemplate what has happened. In other situations, we are the perpetrators, and we feel fear, guilt, shame and despair when we think about what we did to our victim(s).
We realize, "So life wasn't out to get me after all!" We learn to include ALL of what has taken place, no matter what it felt like or looked like. Bringing this new vitality all the way into the physical cells of our body, we wash away old beliefs with loving, forgiving, and compassion.

Find your freedom by forgiving your world!

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

What does the relationship between Books and Me look like?

It’s like Nobita and his comics
every cent collected for comics in the weekends
that finished in a breath
for a laugh as long as he breathes

Nailal Armstrong
Bekasi, October 2007


Beauty brings the dark
Believe in yours the right answer in the deepest
Go away the demon
Help me the angel

Give me light
Light of love
Light of life
Light of everything

Moreno Soeprapto
Bekasi, August 2009



It is cold in the early morning
Then the sun shines brightly
The butterflies fly freely
No one can’t stop them

Everything runs in common
Goes around in the morning
Without caring each other
It is extremely flat

When everything has done
They start to open the eyes
Start to be closer
It has done many times
They are like a blind

Need to struggle
Need to be forced
They are in their habit
It is hard to change

E-Soen Class
SMAN 3, August 2009

Welcome ramadhan

Written By : Astri Cullen

Almost 25 years I have been feeling the beautiful Ramadhan. This is the month that I am waiting for every year. Even all Muslims in the world are waiting for this special month. All Muslims do the charity and good deeds. Nevertheless, we are supposed to do good things or be good persons not only in this month but also in the other months. Yet, I think people will agree with me that there are so many special things in Ramadhan which are too valuable to miss.
When I was a kid, I knew that Ramadhan was a special month for Muslims, but I did not know that it was so special. I just knew Ramadhan was the month when Muslims fast, have a holiday, and play with my friends. I even did not know what was the truly meaning of Ramadhan. All I needed to know about fasting was just not eating and drinking from dawn until dusk. That’s all.

More over, there are a lot of mischiefs that I did in my childhood during the fasting month. As a child, just like the average, it was so hard for me not to have a meal from dawn until dusk. Sometimes I said to my mother that I was fasting but in fact I was not. I used to take some beverages from the refrigerator and drank out of my mother watch. Oh, how silly I was at that time. Yet, I did not know that was a sin.

We could not hide a mistake forever. There was one moment when my mother unexpectedly ran into me as I was drinking syrup. My mother was so angry and told me that I did not have to fast anymore. I could drink and eat as much as I want. No more fasting. She said that she never wanted again to wake me up for having the meal together before dawn and it was horrible.

Later, even though my mother did not wake me up for having the meal before dawn, I still fast without eating anything. You can imagine how weak I was at that time. And the worst, my mother did not allow me to go out of home because she knew I would buy something to eat. I did not know why my mother was so angry, I was just a kid! Eventually, I got the answer a few years later.

Now, I understand why my mother got angry when she knew her daughter did not fast. Doing fast is one of the important devotion as a Muslim. It is done not only because we are afraid of our parents or we feel ashamed that our friends are fasting and we are not, but it is the way to show our devotion and obedience to Allah SWT. There are so many things that we can learn by fasting. We will have more respect to each other, share the thing that we have to the poorer, and the most important thing is the way to get closer to Allah. There are a great number of rewards we can achieve in this month. All of our hopes will be granted as long as we do the good deeds. and also, we will get bonus received on the Ied Mubarok day. Oh, I wish all months were Ramadhan…

I am a good boy

Written by : nailal

There is a question that has been in my mind since I was kid; how long will we live in the heaven after we death?

After graduating Elementary School, I continued my study to Islamic Boarding School. I asked that question to my teacher who understood about that, and I got varied answers. One of them answered that the life in hereafter was eternal. Endless.

“Won’t we get bored in the heaven, sir?” I who was really sure entering the heaven asked.
“It won’t!” the teacher explained, “Everything is different between the earth and the hereafter.”
According to his explanation, there will be nobody who pees and poops. There will be very beautiful angels and rivers as white as milk and as sweet as honey. There will not be any fights and riots, everyone loves each other. Everything will be perfect there!
On the other hand, in the hell, the sinful people will be tortured with the very hot fire. Some say, if someone steps on the fire stone there, even the smallest one, it will be enough to boil his brain!

Yes, how scary the hell is! And how tempting the heaven is!
But honestly, I was confused when the teacher gave that explanation. And it was too hard to understand for me as a child. I thought; will the wives be jealous when their husbands surrounded by the pretty angels? Where will the waste in my stomach go if we never poop and pee?

Besides, I still want to be a good person. It is like Ahmad Dani feat Crisye Song, if the heaven and the hell don’t exist, will you still pray to God?


I have a story about that.
In one early Sunday morning, I rode Fikri, my brother, to Depok by Honda-Astrea70-released-in-80 motorbike for a job interview. If I am not mistaken, it was a few days after Ied Mubarok day.
When the there was a tree junction, I slowed my bike. We slipped through the crowd very smoothly. But suddenly, from the left back side, there was some one riding a motorcycle very fast and hit the motorcycle in front of him. Screeeeeech!!!! CRASH!!! Two motorcycles hit the ground. It was horror. Everything seemed like in a slow motion. The world seemed like slowing down and then paused in a moment…
Fortunately, both the motorcycle riders were saved; include one more person who sat behind one of the rider. They weren’t dead. But unfortunately, one of the motorcycles that hit the ground was mine! At first I didn’t know what was really going on. All I know that suddenly there was a strong push from my left back side that caused my bike went trembling and finally hit the ground.
After a while we came back to reality. The people around the crime scene helped us to walked aside. As the innocent one, I tried to be calm.

“How are you? You’re alright, aren’t you?” the man who hit me asked. In my mind I wanted to be angry and shouted at him, but that didn’t happen. I saw that his motorcycle was damaged. It was worse than mine. And I could see he is older than I am. And maybe he was having a complicated mind or problem when he was riding motorcycle.
“I am OK! What about you?” I answered his question. And he explained the chronological event. I forgot the conversation. And with my maturity and a predicate as a good boy, I shake his hand. Before that, we exchanged our identity cards each other. And without my knowing he went somewhere. So my brother and I sat on the side of the road and didn’t know what to do.

And suddenly….
There was a middle-aged man greeted us.
“Wa’alaikum salam!” Fikri and I answered together. Before he came to us we saw him asking some mineral water in the shop near us but he didn’t get the water.
“Is Depok near or still far from here, boys?” the middle-aged man asked.
“Yes, sir! It’s still far from here! We also want to go there but we are having misfortune” I answered.
“We have some water, you may take it.” Fikri said.
“Where are you from?” I asked curiously.
“My wife is in a hospital to give a birth” he gave unasked information, “but I didn’t have enough money to pay the hospital. So, I decided to borrow some money from my relatives in Cikarang. When I arrived in their house, they weren’t there. They went hometown. And because I didn’t have any money, so I have to go to Depok from Cikarang on foot…. “

Walk from Cikarang?!
Yup, at that time my conscience said: ‘Come on Nailal! Help him!” we felt pity and decided to give some money to him. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for public transportation cost to Depok. He finally left after thanking us. And my text messages to some friends were answered relatively disappointing.


It was only a story about my experience. And as long as there is someone needs help, I will always try to do my best.
Maybe there is a question in your mind; why do I never feel enough to help people? I have simple answer; it is because I believe that I will be helped, that some one will help me some day when I need one. Allah still want to help His servant as long as the servant still want to help his/her brother, Rasulullah has ever said that.
Yes, it was true, bro! After helping the middle-aged man, Fikri and I tried to do as he did. Walking home. Not to mention carrying the damaged Honda-Astrea70-released-in-80 motorbike. But there was another thing happened. We finally didn’t go home on foot, because not so far from the crime scene, we got helped by a thin-long-haired-parking-man. He asked what was going on and then he checked my motorcycle right away without even asked permission. But he did ask for a screwdriver and pliers that was put under the motorcycle seat to fix the motorcycle handlebar.
Hocus Pocus… Abracadabra… the handlebar was fixed! My motorcycle could run again eventhough it wasn’t as fast as before. We got home with some bruises, but most importantly, we were safe and sound.

Fasting and The lazines

Written by : Abdul Moehid

Fasting month is coming. What are your preparations and what is your goal? I disagree with the saying that fasting makes us hungry or lazy or sleepy. I guess it depends on who performs this ritual. Fasting is very useful and good for our body and even soul. Many scientist and doctor suggest having fasting at least once a month.

In Ramadhan month we fast about a month and as good Moslems we must do it because it is our obligation to fast. I’m sure you have known the statement that asks us to do fasting. It is written in Qur’an surah Al-Baqoroh verse 183. So for those who are still not fasting in Ramadhan month, I suggest you to do it and be better persons. Remember, we live just a moment in this world. So let’s do the best for our lives and don not be lazy….

Laziness is the feeling when people do not want to do anything. Our body seems so weak and there is no energy. Why can it be so? I suppose there are many reasons. People do many activities everyday so that is why they get tired and finally the laziness occurs. It can also come from our environment, if your friends are lazy you might be lazy too. Laziness is the negative behavior that we should avoid. Lazy person never succeed, like the proverb says “no pain no gain” or in Indonesian proverb “berakit rakit ke hulu bereneang renang ketepian, bersakit-sakit dahulu baru senang kemudian” which means that we do not enjoy our time only, but we must also work hard to reach our success, of course by being a diligent person and pray to God.

Fasting is not the reason that makes us lazy. We should know the purposes to do fasting. Fasting is one of the ways we learn how to suppress our anger and desire, of course by not eating or drinking anything from dawn until dusk. Fasting will make us healthy. Many things we can do to make our fasting better and the most important thing avoid the laziness. Do not just sleep all day long in fasting month although people say someone who does fasting and sleep still get reward from God. But If I may suggest you, do not to sleep too long or sleep a whole day and do nothing else. It just makes your fasting useless. I think there are some ways to avoid the laziness and make our fasting time better in quality. Here are some suggestions. You may either follow or leave them.

• Wake up early in the morning
• Do not go back to sleep in the morning
• Sleep well at night
• Do not stay up late
• Select your best friends
• Find your friends who are smart and diligent
• Drink milk to get extra energy
• Think of your sin and the future
• Join some organization or community
• Take wudhu and pray
• Read Quran

Angel and Demon undestand them and follow

Written By : Daniel Pasaribu

The phrase angel and demon is an example of a pair of antonyms. The characteristics of the two are always opposite or against one another. If the angel goes right the demon is the opposite. They are like the story of ‘Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih’. But why do people become demon (read: allow themselves become the victims of demon’s work)? And how important is to know more of the two?
To make clear the differences between angel and demon, we have to understand them. I have ever tried to define their characters, which Angel is right and Demon is wrong, good and bad. And I think everyone agrees.
But it is not stop until there, because in reality, it is not as simple as good and bad. Why? We are brought up by our parents to do the right things. But we as human being sometimes lead to do evil things. It means, good and bad the same possibilities for human to choose. That is the problem! Angel and demon’s works are real. When we do a good thing, the devil spirit is always there to convince us to do evil.
The bottom line here is not only how well we understand them, but we also must have the strength and even courage to choose to do the right thing. Many people know well the difference between good and evil, but not many of them are strong enough to choose the right one. Knowledge or knowing something is good does not guarantee it can make someone does a good thing.
But then again, life is a matter of choices. Choices do determine who we really are. Either good or bad, it is up to you, however.

The True Meaning Of Independence

Independence means the freedom to separate ourselves from personal ideologies and intellectually challenge ourselves to see the full scope of an issue in order to find real solutions for the good of the whole.
Independence means we must not depend on the opinions of others, but on the factual issues and actions of individuals and our governments.
Independence means choosing to empower ourselves with the information to independently make up our own minds.
Independence means creating a world society in which we can perceive nations through a satellite view, rather than a microscopic view, and make value judgments based on what's good for the future, rather than the present.
Independence means we have the freedom to pursue personal needs while choosing global motivations, and face the consequences of those actions, both wonderful and tragic, with the intent to learn, grow, and gain wisdom.
True independence means recognizing that every type of thought and belief system has something to teach, to offer, and that if we learn from those in our world, our chances of creating real change for the betterment of all increases exponentially.
Wisdom demands we further our own independence by freeing ourselves from the prison of personal experience by embracing realities other than our own and thereby freeing ourselves from the shackles of ignorance.

Rabu, 02 September 2009

Good morning rain

By : anailal Armstrong

You are the blessing
that was given by God
to the earth
as the blessing that is given
to me
to know and be able to listen to all of her story

Because there is no reason

By : hasnia

Close your eyes and think the beauty one
Close and feel it warm
Close and find the thoughts that make you smile
Close, close, and close
Close until they become one

Do not go
Do not open
Do not give up
Just try, your soul and you become one
Forget all, all and all
Start now!

Do not go
Because all will change
Changed by you
And do not give up
Because there is no reason

You are the thing created by God
And open your eyes now
Let’s smile
Open, open do not close your eyes


By : Astri Cullen

You cry, I don’t
You’re hurt, I’m not
You’re still, I’ve gone
It isn’t fair to you

You give me love
You give me hope
You give me everything I need
Yet I never respect that

You’re always here
When I need a shoulder
You give me smile when I need a fellow
You wipe away my tears when I’m upset
But I don’t give a damn about you

Now, you’ve gone and will never be back again
With all your love and devotion
No more shoulder when I need to cry
No more smile when I need a friend

That’s my entire fault…

Learn to be Independent

By : Hasnia

Independent? What is independent? According to oxford’s dictionary, Independent does not need money from other people, able to work alone. In that case, it is hard to be independent, isn’t it??

When I read in a magazine, I found the information that people in America and Singapore are independent, they may stay in their parent’s house until they got their real age, the real age means: when they pass in senior high school, they have to go from their parent’s house, such as go to boarding house or looking for the job. They just come to their parent’s house if there is a holiday or an event. That what really happens in some modern countries, such as America and Singapore. Can we apply that custom in our country? And have you ever thought about that?
To be independent is hard and if we just stay, never think about it, our way of life will not change. If you don’t start to be independent, your children and then your grand children, and keep going on will not be independent.
Start now!
It refers to my experience, in fact, to be independent is not that difficult but it is not easy well. It depends on the people, it is whether you want to try or just stay and wait for something to happen in the next day. Don’t be like that because what you do now will give impact the next time. It may sound strange but my father once told me it is real. That was the first time I was thinking about my life.
At midnight I woke up and pray, I closed my eyes and I wanted to change my paradigm, I tried to smile, smiled to the sun and smiled to the stars, moon in the night. And now I know to be independent is not that difficult, however, it is not easy too. Try to smile when we find something that makes us give up, think positively, be brave and believe that God will always be with you. Do your best and you will get the best, and be patient because patient is something that makes us independent, always be patient.
So, for my friend, be independent, by being independent we can find the real thing, do not make our parents confused because now we know that independent is not that difficult, keep in our mind that we can do it, without help and be yourself.

So we can start to become independent by:
2.Being brave
3.Being Patient
4.Believe in your self

First, we have to smile so the future will also smile to you because the future depends on you and next is brave. Brave means all the way we want to do then just do it. Do not be afraid because it is one of the best way to be independent but do not be afraid if it is wrong it becomes your great experience and then be patient because all the things need process, and the last but not least is believe. It means that don’t forget to pray to God that everything will be good and believe in yourself, so just think positively.

Think first and try now, do not wait until tomorrow!

Be Different, Be Independent, Be You!

By : NAilal Armstrong

My friends often call me a weirdo.

At first, I didn’t care about that name. But gradually I felt disturbed. And here I need to defense myself. I need to tell that there are many weird people around us and even much weirder than I am.
Let me tell you the examples. In my campus I have a friend (to cover her real identity, let us just call her ‘the-weirdo’). One time in our campus, ‘the-weirdo’ was doing a cross word puzzle while waiting for the lecture to come to class. But there was a word she couldn’t figure out. ‘The-weirdo’ asked her friend, Petra.
“Eh, Pet! Four letters: malang, sial ?”
“NAAS !” Petra said enthusiastically.
“Four letters, Pet!” The-Weirdo wasn’t sure.
“Yes. Naas is four letters!” Petra assured her impatiently.
“But the second letter is A!” the-weirdo became the-stupid. My friends and I in the class room were waiting for Petra reaction. Petra couldn’t control her emotion, “That is NAAS!”
“NO, FOUR LETTERS! THE SECOND LETTER IS A!” The-weirdo insisted.
“YES! IT’S NAAS!!!” Petra exploded.
‘Mmm, hey, you’re right.’ The-weirdo said.

There was also a weirdo in my office. He is an Office Boy (once more, to cover his real identity, let us just call him the-OB. One day, when I wanted to go to a bathroom, I was very surprised! I saw the seated toilet was broken in two pieces. Can you imagine the toilet made of the-big-strong-porcelain-seated toilet can break that way?! In my mind, there were critical questions: who broke it? Was there anyone broke the toilet as a result of terrorism? Or was there anyone pooped a bomb?
After that, I know that someone who broke the toilet was the-OB. He pooped by squatting in the seated toilet.

Now! Who is weirder?
But as the time went by, as the age went by, I understand more that I am really weird. I like to write and also like to be alone. You can say that I am introvert. Sometimes, I could not hear let alone listen people talking near me or to me when I was reading a book or anything else. It is like I am in my own world when I am reading books.

I had sent SMS to Petra and made her cry successfully –but I didn’t mean it. And she didn’t speak to me in a week.
After one week she wanted to meet me. I thought she wanted to say sorry for her fault, her big fault. And I will always accept her apology. I met Petra and she said that she didn’t speak to me was that because she wanted to give me a lesson!
I asked her for the reason. She said that it was because my answer in my last-week-SMS. Yes, I remembered the SMS that I sent her at that time. I wrote that she was like a STONE! I thought that was not rude, but maybe I sent the message in bad time. Maybe at that time she needed someone to share about her problem.
And she cried.

To be honest, there are many of my friends (especially girls), cried because of what I did or said. And here I am rethinking: am I really a weirdo?
With my weirdness, I see people through my perspective. And because I have different perspective with others, so it also creates a different result. Or with the simple word, I am weird!
Eventhough the word ‘weird’ here does not always have bad connotation. Maybe every one has her or his own ‘weirdness’. That’s because we have different point of view, every point of view looks from its own mindsets. The way we speak, the way we walk, the way we act must be different from one to another. That is something that makes us different, makes our own ‘weirdness’.

I am thinking about my self. I am not a follower. I am not such a follower that follows to see orchestra or listen to jazz so that I will look like a gentleman. Or I am proud because I ever climbed the highest mountain in Indonesia. I am not someone who pretends to be sad when I watch movies or when I read poems, maybe some people think that sad is romantic, and romantic is a style.
I am not a person who puts other people good impression at the first place and makes it more important than what I really want and like. Be different, be independent, be you!

Independent or in-depend-ent?

By : Arlin Tinkerbell

How ironic!
The bomb had just blown up just a month before the Independence Day. Isn’t that pathetic? When we believe that we have lived under secure and no more terrors or colonization, the unexpected thing emerged. It was less than 5 minutes to mess up everything that had been built to ensure the world about the security issue in Indonesia. Many people hurt, not only mentally but also physically.
We do not know to whom they sent the bombs. There were many innocence people there. Perhaps some of them were waiting for their friends or their families, or they just enjoyed having breakfast. Can you imagine as if your father, or your mother or could be anyone that you love was there? You then realized didn’t have a chance to say that you love them or just to apologize for the things you had done in the past. Well, we never know what we’ve already had till it’s gone, right? Count your bless!!! Then, it will never be enough…
Ok, now let’s get back to the Independence Day… What does independence exactly mean? Here, I’m going to underline the topic to the equality of freedom among the gender. So, the independence shall mean as an acknowledgement over superior women so that not only men who can lead a way. It is proven by the last general election. We had Megawati as one of the candidates of the next president. Even she didn’t win the election yet she had already shown to this country that a woman also could get herself into the politic battle.
See…There are many opportunities actually for women if we believe and confidence to ourselves. Nothing is impossible!! If you go traveling in Jakarta by taking Trans Jakarta, you will find that not all the drivers are men. Some are women and they are very stylish! No matter what your occasion is, the style will always come first ;)…
But just like any other understandings, there comes a squabble over the independence of women. Sometimes these wonder women are treated badly whether in their work place or even in their homes. Sexually abused and household violence are the most crime action that they got.
That’s the weakness of the Independence Day! When we have passed the gender issue, it is not followed by the change of condition where women always are at the weak side. Even nowadays the modern women can protect themselves from the criminal doers but women are still women, right? Not all women are blessed by the talent of doing martial art…
In this globalization era, and when Indonesia is going to commemorate its 64th Independence Day, women still haven’t had their freedom of fear completely. Women are still the target of the criminal. In some remote areas in Indonesia, where they still hold on their custom that women are never be the same with men, that women will always be number two in any situations, that men can do anything to their women, that women don’t have to go to school, etc. Well, guys, based on those facts, can we still declare that we have already lived independently? Independence should be felt by all people in this world. No matter what, men or women, young or adult, curly or straight, thin or fat and no matter what color your skin is, black or white… (hehehe.. long live of the king of pop!!!!)
Well, back to the topic, in some cases which for some men whose wives are career women; they will make that condition as a reason to wash hand from their responsibilities as the leader of the family. This will lead to the household violence. So, what should those women do?
Well, there are some organizations that concern to the women’s violence issue. They will hear their moans, and they will protect them. There will be a concealing how to cope with some problems that often be faced by the women in common. Nowadays, people are free to speak their minds, not exception the women. That what independence is all about, right? As women we should more concern about the things that happen to us, we are supposed to be the guardian angel for ourselves. Don’t let anyone hurt you! Since we have rights to live happily and live fearlessly.
So, ladies, in this Independence Day, let’s show to the world that Indonesian women are powerful, unbeatable, reliable, smart, lovable and caring… fight for your dreams cause we are independent women not in-depend-ent. We are all equal. Happy Independence Day, guys!!!

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009

Only in my mind

Written by :E-Soen Class

Lay on the grass
While closing eyes
I tried to think
Think about thing
Thing we have done
Mistake that there is no forgiveness

A bright shine appear
Come from the sky
It breaks my dream and imagination
I don’t know what it is
It loses all in mind
Tears get out suddenly
I can’t stop

Nizami Ganjavi

Written by : Whitetia

Have you ever eard about the immortal loves story of ‘layla and majnun’ which written by Nizami Ganjavi? The writer is one of the most popular poet writers in Azerbaijan (now Persia or Iran).
Abu Muhammad Ilyas Ibn Yusuf Ibn Zaki Muayyad is the original of pen-name of Nizami Ganjavi. He was born around 1141 in Ganja, the capital of Arran in Transcaucasian Azerbaijan. His mother, named Ra’isa was a Kurdish background and his father, whose name yusuf. Nizami had been left by his parents early in his life and he was brought up by his uncle Khwaja Umar, often referred to b the honorific Hakim (the sage). Nizami is both a learned poet and master of a lyrical and sensuous style. He lived in an age of both political instability and intense intellectual activity, which his poems reflect but little is known about his life, relation with his patrons or the precise datres of his works.
Nezami is best known for his five long narrative poems, which have been preserved and he dedicated his poems to various rules of the regions as was custom of that time for great poets but avoided court life. He was a master of the Masnawi style (double-rhymed verses). The Quinary includes the five Persian books of Nizami:
1.Makhzan Al-asrar “The Storehouses of Misteries” (1163)
2.Khusraw o Shirin “Khosrow and Shirin” (1177 – 1180)
3.Layli o Majnun “Layla and Majnun” (1192)
4.Haft Paykar “the seven Beauties” (1196)
5.Eskandar-nameh “the book of Alexander” (1196 – 1220)
One of Nizami’s work which inspired Shakespeare to create his phenomenal drama ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is an immortal love story of Majnun, a man which loved too much to his cousin, Layla, but prevented from marrying her and goes mad. Majnun and family move to the dessert and compose poems for his love Layla, who has been married to another man. Although they were never united in life, when the lovers pass away and they buried in the same grave.
The Nizami museum of literature was originally built in 1947 and located in Baku, Azerbaijan republic, tall cylindrical building and surrounded by gardens and there is metal statue commemorating Nizami’s epic poem. Nizami died in 1209 but there is no exactly reason of it, same as the way of his life which no authentic evidence.

Inyiak Lunak the Town Cryer

Written by : A. A. Navis

uring the war when West Sumatra tried to secede, Otang, Dali’s friend, went home to the village like many other people before the government forces attacked. Otang wasn’t a hero. He also wasn’t a civil servant. If Otang went home to the village, it was because Natsir his idol, who has sent him to ranch in Florida for a year of work experiences. But what he learned about animal husbandry on that ranch could not be put into practice at home. There were socio-cultural problems and also a lack of capital. So, Otang settled in Jakarta to wait for a change in the situation that might improve his lot.
How could he not support Natsir? Otang asked. His father ran a food stall, yet he had been given the opportunity to see in all its wonder the America he had dreamed of when he saw it in movies. It was more than solidarity. He would have been ashamed to feel anything less than what he did.
Otang married before he went to America. His parents wanted to make sure he didn’t fall for some girl there and stay forever: at first, Otang was annoyed but he agreed as soon as he met his future wife who was as beautiful as Tititen Sumarni, the movie star: the only difference was the beauty marks on her upper lip. When he returned to the village because of the war; Otang already has two children. He did nothing the whole time he was there. There wasn’t anything he could do. From the time he was still in grade school up to his time in America, Otang had never learned how to work. He had learned how to be person who knows things. But during the war, knowledge had no use. What you needed, other than weapon, wan an idea or at least a scheme.


Eventually Otang village was occupied by government forces. They called it “liberating” the area. The time came when Otang had to take up a hoe and work. He had to join the work gangs and stand watch at night. All the men were thrown together at that time, regardless of whether they were elderly, farmers, teachers, hajis, traditional leaders, or people like Otang. As soon as Otang began to hoe, he got blisters on his palms. Blisters were not excuse not to work.
The military commander of their region held the position of Chief of Territorial Affairs. His name was Talib, and he was a sergeant major. He was a big man, tall and strong. He spoke in a deep baritone. When he shouted, every one was frightened. The sound of hoes hitting stones rang out as they dug up grass. After a while, Sargeant Talib stopped supervising the work, but his orders reach them almost everyday. Inyiak Lunak spread the news from one end of the village to the other while beating his gong which made a cher-cher-cheer sound because it was cracked. Inyiak Lunak’s voice was hoarse as if his vocal cords were cracked, too.
Having to work almost every day irritated Otang and everyone else. It wasn’t just that they were losing time to do their own jobs. They felt they were being purposely humiliated like a conquered people. From constantly hearing the cher-cher-cher of the gong accompanied Inyiak Lunak’s broken voice, Otang came to hate the town crier. If he happened to pass Inyiak Lunak on the street, he would look away. If he was sitting in Mak Mango’s coffee shop on the corner of the market and Inyiak Lunak came in, he would hurriedly depart. If Inyiak Lunak was there before him, Otang wouldn’t even enter.
Otang became even more fed up with Inyiak Lunak when he learned what Sergeant Talib did when all the men were working. He and one of his corporals went around to the villages and slept with the wives of the rebels who were being held in the countryside. Corporal Jono was jus as bad as Talib. So was Basri, the local administrator who came from one of those villages, as were many others. Deputy police inspector Hartono slept with the two daughters of Sudira, the prison warden. “what can we do? Wat can we say?” was the comment of the people in the occupied region.
Finally, even though he didn’t fight in the war, just because he sympathized with them, Otang had to pay the price like everyone else. Misfortune stalked him, but not because he sided with the rebels. It was because he had a beautiful wife. Atun, whom he had been very proud of, became his knife in his heart. When the men were ordered out to work, Sergeant Talib stopped by to see Atun. People said he even stayed till morning when Otang was on night watch.


At first, Otang didn’t know what was happening. His mother-in-law didn’t tell hi, much less Atun. Otang didn’t understand the dark looks of the two women every time he came home from the work detail. At first, that’s haw it was. But, when Inyiak Lunak, the town crier; whispered to him that he should take Atun to the city, Otang began to see how things really stood. He was furious. He was scathing with his-mother-in-law for going along with it.
“Otang, put yourself in Atun’s place or in mine. Could we stand up to them? Should we have told you so you could beat up that Talib?” his mother-in-law asked once Otang began to calm down.
But Otang was not consoled. He felt crushed by a mountain of regrets. He was sorry he hadn’t taken up arms against the government. If he had joined the rebel army, he would have shot men like Sergeant Talib dead. There were two things, though, that he did not regret. The first was that he had returned to the village in solidarity with Natsir. The second was that Atun was so beautiful. But bringing his wife and children back to the village because he was sure the rebels would win the war was the miscalculation he regretted most.
He was angry at Sergeant Talib. Furious in fact. He also despised him and was disgusted art his behavior. But his fury abated when he saw all the soldiers dresses in green who were like Sergeant Talib only more so. He realized that he was not a brave man. He had never learned to be brave. Not in school nor far away Florida. He had only heard and accepted what his teachers said or what he read in books.
So when Reagent Kasdut, whom Otang had known in school and who held the rang of captain, took a tour of inspection in his area, Otang went to see him. He told him what the army did to people.
“If the army had become to liberate this area with some humanitarian concern for the people, the rebellion would had been put down in three months. But because they are vicious enemy even if they have to spend years in the jungle.”
“That’s the army, Otang. It’s a bad risk for the loser. Our army would be just as vicious if they were fighting someplace else,” said Regent Kasdut, the captain.
“Do they have to be vicious to their own people?”
“That’s the policy of the commanding officers so that no people any place any place will ever dream of rebelling again.”
“Will people love the army and threat them like heroes if they have these vicious policies?”
Right now they are not going to change their command policies, “said captain Kasdut, the Regent.
Otang recalled the saying that was current at that time: ‘if you fear the rifle barrel, run to the butt.’ It was pointless to oppose the side that was winning the war. So when Regent Kasdut returned to the country seat, Otang went him. Since then, no one in the village knew where he had gone or where he was.


Twenty five years later, Dali ran into Otang in Jakarta. They met at the home of Kasdut, who had retired with the rank of colonel. Otang had changed. He was calm. He seemed pious. He spoke softly and gently. He had a beard like Haji Agus Salim. It was white. On his head perched a black, velvet cap, precisely placed. But he didn’t sit with Dali in the living room. He stayed in the black room with Kasdut’s mother-in-law who was almost 80 years old.
“He’s a clean leader now. His title is Datuk Rajo di Koto (King in the City). He was chosen and installed by the members of his clan who live here now. People say there’s something fishy about the title. It is not accordance with traditional law. But that’s the clan problem,” Kasdut explained. He had also made a leader of this clan in the village be fore he retired. His title was Datuk Rajo Kuaso (Powerful King). It was a fitting title for a colonel who had one been regent. “as for me, my title is legal according to traditional law. The whole clan, at home and away, agreed on it,” Kasdut continued.
Dali was curious as to why Otang preferred to sit with an old woman rather than a friend he hadn’t seen for 25 years. All shorts of possibilities occurred to him. Maybe Otang didn’t want to see Dali because he didn’t want to reopen old wounds from the time of the rebellion. He had left Atun behind for the Sergeant, his replacement, and his replacement’s replacement. But that was an old story. Did he still want revenge even after Sergeant Talib and his friends had paid for their deeds when the communist uprising was put down?
“He’s gone on pilgrimage to Mecca twice,” Kasdut went on as Dali pondered the situation. Then he added as if weren’t important: “my mother-in-law considers him a member of the family. I support him. Who else would?”
Since leaving the village and the war zone, Otang had carried his injuries and heartbreak around Jakarta with him. He had hoped the city would allow him to forget the past. But the city just offered more of the same poison, especially when he saw men in green uniforms with women on their arms. To Otang, they all looked like Sergeant Talib and Atun. It made him nauseous. Finally, Otang confined himself at the house of his in-law where he was staying. Even when he did go out, he never went farther than the garden fence.
To dispel the loneliness, he read books on religion because they didn’t deal with painful conflicts. He didn’t read them in order to study their contents because he didn’t want another burden. He stayed away from newspapers and magazines. If he wasn’t reading, Otang did whatever he could around the house. He cleaned or did small repairs.
Finally Otang came out of hiding when he had to attend the funeral of one of his nephews. Once he broke his isolation, he was almost never at home during the day. He would go visiting, from house to house, to see some family member or a friend from his village he was received with open arms, even by Atun’s relatives and especially by the older people who had nothing to do and needed a friend with whom to pass the time. Otang could fulfill their needs. After a while, he knew exactly what was required. The woman liked to hear about the marriages and deaths of people they knew in the village or elsewhere. The men liked to hear news from home then talked about the doing of their friends. The ones who were civil servants were interested in the promotions of others they were acquainted with.
Otang didn’t search for news of that kind. Rather, he collected it piece by piece from the people he visited. Finally, he became a source of reputable information. He knew what each person and group was interested in hearing. People began to look forward to his visits, just as they looked forward to the arrival of the paper boy.
Otang even found a soul mate in a widow who was a member of one of the families he visited regularly. But a household needs a source of income. Even though at the time he proposed, Otang’s in-laws told him he didn’t need to support his wife-to-be, Otang was the kind of man who wanted a real wife. He had elevated Atun, who was as beautiful as a movie star; too high. Now he needed a source of income, a job with a salary. But what could he do in middle age? He could go into business but what would he sell? Could he even do it? Where would he get the capital? Otang was confused and spent most of his time looking for job that would suit him. He went out in the early morning and returned at dusk.
All the old people he visited regularly were perplexed that Otang has stopped coming to see them. There was an aged doctor who no longer practiced who usually addressed Otang in an old fashioned way as “Engku Otang.” The doctor told him: “Engku Otang, what you do is the same as I did when I was still a doctor visiting patients. Understand?”
Otang didn’t understand. But he nodded anyway. Much later, it came to him as he talked it over with his wife. He should be paid for each visit he made. It wasn’t enough that they gave him something to eat or drink whenever he visited or occasionally slipped him a bill saying it was “for bus fare.” But how could he ask his acquaintances and friends from the village from money? It would be too awkward. To Otang, visiting friends wasn’t a commercial profession like being a doctor. But it was his wife again who had an idea.
“You didn’t study in America for nothing, you know,” she said.
From that time, Otang changed his schedule of visits, the ways as well as the times. Of course, he was received with anxiety and gentle chiding. Otang excuse was simple. He told them he had things to do. He had a wife now and responsibilities for his household. Sometimes he added that he had had difficulty getting a bus.
“Why didn’t you tae a taxi, Engku,” they would ask.
From then in they gave Otang taxi fare, but he continued ride the bus. With the old ladies who were interested in religion, Otang knew exactly what stories would appeal. He told them about Moses who, as an infant, was floated down the Nile by his mother and washed up at the Paraoh’s place. Or he told them about Zulaika who was crazy about Joseph. Or else about Khadijah’s loyalty to the prophet Muhammad and his loyalty to her. If he telling them about some real life event, Otang never failed to discuss it in terms of the Koran and Hadith. He was no different than a skilled preacher: sometimes he would give the old ladies religious books he bought from the sidewalk vendors in Kramat.
“These are good books. They are Arabic writing and also roman type. You should read and reread them. It will bring you closer to god,” said Otang. Then he would read a passage out loud. Of course when it was time for him to leave, the old ladies would reimburse him many times the cost of the books, in addition to his taxi fare.
There were many people from his village in Jakarta, and Otang would visit three of four houses in a day seven days a week. He would visit the wealthy ones or those with important positions once a month. The others he would see once every two months. Before the Idul Fitri holiday or when the traders and business people were closing their books for the financial year. Otang would reap a windfall in the name of charity. It was through the goodwill of his rich friends that Otang had twice been able to make the pilgrimage to Mecca. Once he went with his wife. Everyone gave him money. he had dollars, Saudi riyals, Japanese yen, and of course rupiah. Before the Lebaran holiday, the money came with the comment, “to buy dates.” It added up. It was almost enough for the Deluxe fare for the Haj pilgrimage.


Otang fell ill, he had a stroke, and there were complications, the doctor said. They put him in the hospital ward. The next day he was moved to a VIP room. He had many acquaintances willing to guarantee payment. When Dali went to visit him, flowers lined the hallway outside Otang’s room. There were dozens more inside. There was a card attached to each. Dali was curious so he read each of them. He read all the cards on all the flowers in the hall. He saw the names of famous professors, major industrialists, high ranking officials, ministerial staff members, and also card from Kasdut.
Otang opened his eyes when Dali leaned down close to his ear and said his name. He looked at Dali sadly for a long time as if there was a great deal he wanted to say. It made Dali sad, but he didn’t show his feelings. He tried to smile as a way of reassuring Otang that his illness wasn’t grave. Dali gently massaged Otang’s hand that wasn’t connected to the IV until he closed his eyes as if to sleep.
The soft voice of one of the other visitors reached Dali loud and clear: Otang might have heard it, too.
“He is rare creature. If he doesn’t recover; no one will be able to replace him,” someone said.
“He is like a living communication device,” said another.
“Just like Inyiak Lunak in the village. He carried good news and bad around hitting that strange sounding gong that was cracked.”
“But Inyiak Lunak and his gong only ever brought bad news,” somebody put in.
Suddenly, deli felt Otang’s hand that he still held begin to tremble. His legs began to kick.
“Call the doctor,” Dali shouted.
Everyone stood up and gathered around Otang’s bed. They started at him anxiously not knowing what to do. Soon after, the doctor arrived. All the visitors were sent out. They waited in the waiting room, each alone with his feelings.
Dali sat down on a cloth chair. He thought about tag who had suddenly taken a turn for the worse. His thoughts wondered, seeking the reason for Otang’s decline. Was he offended by the visitor who compared him to Inyiak Lunak, the Town Cryer; with his broken gong?
Dali was sure the mention of Inyiak Lunak, much less the comparison with him, had reopened and old wound from the days when there was war in the village, when the state saw them as traitors to the nation, when the form and measure of treachery were unclear.

Translated by Rebecca Fanany

Son Goku

Writen By : Nailal Armstrong

Everyone should have an idol. Some are very fanatic with their idol. Once there was a TV program that I watched, it was about fans that were dying to meet their idol. Before the fans met their idol, they were told that it was impossible to bring the idol to meet them due to his/her full schedule. But in the end, after the fans cried for disappointment, they finally met their idol. As soon as the fans got to meet their idol, they became out of control. They kissed, hugs, grabbed, twisted, licked, and dunked. It was dramatized!
Speaking of an idol, I also have one. When I was a kid, I would say that Japanese cartoon character “Son Goku” in Dragon Ball was so cool. Son Goku was an innocent smart kind-hearted little boy. He never gave up whenever he met a stronger rival or enemy. To me, Son Goku is one of a kind! Even until now. Therefore, I named my motorbike after him. The Honda-Astrea70-released-in-80 motorbike was my beloved one. It was an old bike, however, I hope it would be like little Son Goku; tough. But still, my beloved ‘Son Goku’ couldn’t resist force of nature; old, sick, and early ejaculated.


On one Saturday night, Son Goku suddenly stopped while I was going back home from work. The worst thing was that it happened faraway from the repair shop! Three things crossed on my mind. 1. What went wrong? 2. Where was the nearest repair shop? 3. What sins had I done today?
I had walked my bike for about a kilometer until I found the nearest repair shop.
“What’s the matter? What went wrong?” asked the repair guy.
“Broken down! How am I supposed to know? If I had known what went wrong, I would’ve fixed it myself.” But I was only talking to my self of course. There was only one problem: the engine must be overhauled and the shop was about to close in a minute. Yup! What a perfect Saturday night. I spent my lovely Saturday night with my Son Goku, the Japanese-inheritance-motorbike that stalled in the middle of young couples with romance in the air. Perfect!
“Are you from this neighborhood?” The repair guy asked.
“Nope. Kranji, bang!” I replied hopelessly.
“Oh it’s not so far from here! You better call someone to pick you up here. Your bike should be towed.” The repair guy said wisely.
So I text Njay, my friend, to help me out here. Thirty minutes he still didn’t reply my text. I couldn’t call him, or anyone else because the balance of the pulse was not enough and it was getting late. The show was already closed.
“Relax! Don’t panic!” I tried to lift my own spirit.
Then I suddenly realized that my position was not too far from my campus so I could leave my Son Goku there. Brilliant!
Rarely did Son Goku stall or break down. Only recently. Perhaps he needed more attention. Actually, I had imagined if I had to walk my bike home. Somehow it made me down to earth.
When I walked the bike to campus, I saw some drag queens near a red light. Uh-oh!! I held my bike handlebar tightly. The situation became horror. One of them was looking at me and smiled seductively (which was disgusting) at me. I pretended I didn’t see it. I was sweating down like a pig. Finally, I passed that horror safely.
As soon as I got to my campus, I got text message from Njay.
‘I’ll come there to get you. Don’t worry..’
What a joyful text message!


Ater that incident, Son Goku had stalled for three times! My father and I discussed to get a new bike and sell Goku. And I got suspicious that Goku might get offended hearing that conversation. It seemed that Goku had been acting weird since that conversation.
This was serious!
It had hurt Goku’s feeling. In my opinion, an object, which is close and means a lot to the owner, has an ability to feel what the owner feels. It can be happy, sad, or even upset. The Prophet PbUH himself named his camel ‘Duldul’. He even named other objects that he often used such as his plate, spoon and fork, broom, etc. How great he is.
The next question is that why he gave names to animals and the objects that we consider dead?
The answer to that question is that animals or the other objects in the universe are God’s creation. Every creation has its own use. God created something and never God created a useless thing, even when he created a mosquito! That is what God explained in Holy Koran.
Until I wrote this, Son Goku was still in my garage and he could still be ridden. But I didn’t ride him to work any longer considering the distance. Nevertheless, he taught me something: the animals, and the things around us that we often thought meaningless and lifeless actually had feelings like human. It is my duty to cherish and take good care of him. He gave me a good lesson that I should more appreciate and understand things around me: environment, water, dump, animals, tools, and all the things that I have. But the most important is my relationship with other people.
Wallahu ‘alam bisowab.

Your Idol is not a perfect person!

Written by : Moreno Soeprapto

I remembered when I met one of Indonesian actresses, it was on Sunday when I met my idol in one of traditional markets in Jakarta. Eventhough it is a traditional market, it is really famous because you can find everything there. When my family and I were busy picking up some groceries, I saw there was a crowd. And then I realized that they were looking at some actresses and actors. My family and I were curious to find out more. We decided to get close then we saw the actresses and actors were acting for a film. And one thing that made me more curious was that I saw my favorite actress acting. Oh my God! She was really beautiful and her skin was so clean and bright. She looked so different from the one I had seen on TV or movies. While I was looking at her acting for a role, my mother asked me to leave because we needed to continue shopping.
My family called me ‘country bumpkin’ or wong ndeso. But I did’t care and kept watching her until my mother grabbed my hand and dragged me out of there. At that time I obeyed my mother eventhough inside my heart I was so angry to my family because I thought it was the best time for me that I could see my idol. I didn’t know when I could see her again. That was why I was a bit angry with them. Oh my idol I liked you so much, I could only say that in my heart. Then we continued shopping. After getting all the things that we needed we went back home. On the way home my mind was still left in the traditional market and I wanted to go out from the car and went back to see my idol, but it was impossible to do.
It didn’t take much time we arrived at home, directly I went to my bedroom and looked for my diary, then I wrote everything that I got this day specially when I met my idol, I thought I couldn’t ever forget that moment. I also had many photos of her. But not too long after I saw her in the traditional market, I watched her in infotainment. I didn’t believe that the fact she was not as good as I thought. She had a big problem, she was sent to a jail with her friends because she got caught consuming drugs! After I knew her bad attitude I was really mad. I didn’t know what I had to do. But deep in my heart, I realized that maybe it was one of the obstacles in our life, which it may also could happen to every one included me. I thought the positive thing from her case may be it would make her and I to be more careful in facing our life in the future.

Selasa, 30 Juni 2009


We invite you to write essay about the theme that we plan for Modesty in the next number:

• Modesty 03: Our Idol (deadline, 20 June 2009)
• Modesty 04: Independence (deadline, 20 July 2009)


Where is the wind blows
The sky in the night was blue
The path that I always follow
Long distance to get the one
Giving smile for your lie
Somewhere searching for me
I might be the one
Left me in the circle
And I always close my ear
Close the door of heaven
W Awaiting in days
hen the life never ends
Waiting another seasons
Looking the blue sky
As light in the dark


by : Whitetia

You never forget to think of me
But, sometimes I forget you
You never forget to pray for me
But, sometimes I forget to pray for you
You never forget to care of me
But, sometimes I Forget to care of you

You always remember me when I forget spending second of my life
You always forgive my fault
And I always repeat it
You always care of my situation
And I always let it go

Still waiting for another day
When I’m lost and stuck in a moment
As a snow in a dessert
When I’m confused, angry and sad
As an inspire on my life
Hard to change and forget

The Statue of Liberty

by : Whitetia

If Indonesia has a National Monument (Monument Nasional : Monas, red) as a symbol of independence country, America has Liberty Statue as a monument that was presented to the United States of America by the people of France in 1886 to celebrate its centennial.
The Statue of Liberty is located in New York Harbor standing on Liberty Island, it welcomes for visitors and immigrants. Who sculpted and obtained a U.S patent of the statue is Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. The statue it self is a robed woman which holding a torch and made of a sheeting of pure copper, hung on a framework of steel (originally puddle iron) with the exception of the flame of the torch. It stands on a rectangular stonework pedestal with a foundation in the shape of an irregular eleven pointed star. The statue is 151 ft (46m) tall, but with the pedestal and foundation, it is 305 ft (93m) tall. Before the statue was built in October 28, 1886, the first model was built in 1870 on a small scale and it located in Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris and the uniquely of Liberty Statue is it was built in France after that it broke out become 200 pieces of big packages and shipped to America. Cause of package process take a long time, The Liberty Statue can be launched after ten years Independent day of United States.
Miss Liberty or Lady Liberty statue is a symbol of liberty and freedom. Her torch signifies enlightenment, the tablet in her hand represents knowledge and shows the date of the United States Declaration of Independence day which written in roman numerals July IV, MDCCLXXVI. In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was added to the list of World Heritage Sites until 2007 it was one of 20 finalists in a competition to name the New Seven Wonders of the World.
The Statue of Liberty was engineered to withstand heavy winds. Winds of 50 miles per hour cause the Statue to sway 3 inches (7.62 cm) and the torch to sway 5 inches (12.7 cm). This allows the Statue to move rather than break in high wind load conditions.
Feature Imperial Metric
Height from base to torch 151 ft 1 in 46 m
Foundation of pedestal to torch 305 ft 1 in 93 m
Feature Imperial Metric
Heel to top of head 111 ft 1 in 34 m
Length of hand 16 ft 5 in 5 m
Index finger 8 ft 0 in 2.44 m
Circumference at second joint 3 ft 6 in 1.07 m
Head from chin to cranium 17 ft 3 in 5.26 m
Head thickness from ear to ear 10 ft 0 in 3.05 m
Distance across the eye 2 ft 6 in 0.76 m
Length of nose 4 ft 6 in 1.48 m
Right arm length 42 ft 0 in 12.8 m
Right arm greatest thickness 12 ft 0 in 3.66 m
Thickness of waist 35 ft 0 in 10.67 m
Width of mouth 3 ft 0 in 0.91 m
Tablet, length 23 ft 7 in 7.19 m
Tablet, width 13 ft 7 in 4.14 m
Tablet, thickness 2 ft 0 in 0.61 m
Height of granite pedestal 89 ft 0 in 27.13 m
Feature Imperial Metric
Height of foundation 65 ft 0 in 19.81 m
Weight of copper used in Statue 60,000 pounds 27.22 metric tonnes
Weight of steel used in Statue 250,000 pounds 113.4 metric tonnes
Total weight used in Statue 450,000 pounds 204.1 metric tonnes
Thickness of copper sheeting 3/32 of an inch 2.4 mm

(table source from Wikipedia)

I suggest you to visit the United States for your holiday, especially to see the Liberty Statue.

A Conversation with the Future

by : Nailal Armstrong

In the evening, there was a boy who had run hundreds of miles arrived in a canyon over the sea shore in the west side of the city. While trying to catch his breath, he looked at the orange horizon that blended with the blue ocean.
“Am I there yet?” the boy whispered doubtfully to his mind.
He put his arms on his knees. His sweat wetted all over his body and clothes. The smell of the sun evaporated from his hair.

Tiredness floated from every part of his body.
He tried to stand up using his last energy remained.

“Bravo! Bravo, son! What a great deal!” suddenly the wind blew. It blew the voice of an old man. It sounded like and old man that had been through a lot and filled with life experience.

“Who’s that?” the boy was confused and he looked around.

There was no one.

“Welcome, son! Your boat has arrived on the shore, on the gate of the ocean!” The old man voice continued.

The boy turned around and tried to find where the voice came from.

Nobody was there.

The voice was very soft and nearly soundless but so clear that it was impossible to deny.

“Show yourself!!” the boy shouted again.

“But it is just a gate, son!” He heard that soft voice again.

The wave hit the bottom of the canyon splashing the sea water.

“Who are you?!” the boy shouted frustrated. He knew that he would not be answered.

The cloud was slowly moved by the warm west wind.
“Your little boat was made of the paper anyway,” the soft voice continued. The boy had no choice but to listen “Doesn’t the river that guide you to the sea make you realize how weak your little boat is?”
The wave hit the bottom of the canyon. It threw the sea water to the mouth of the boy. Salty.

“So what?” the boy answered as he liked. He turned his face to the ocean where the voice seemed to come from. Was it a voice of the ocean? thought the boy.

“Do you know how big the waves that will hit you in the middle of the ocean are, huh, tough guy?! Do you know the waves will roll your little boat over and down into the deep ocean?” The voice rumbled and shrank the boy’s gut.

The boy became afraid and shivering. The warm west wind blew through the boy clothes that full of sweat. He looked at the blue ocean.

“I am a little boat that will never go trembling down by any brag or threat.” said that boy in rumbling but husky voice, “I was composed of divine people. I will evolve to gain esteem.

The ocean seemed speechless.

The boy continued.
“It makes me an optimist eventhough I live among the conservatives.”

Melancholic wind from the east blew the husky voice to the open sea. Echoing an absurd husky voice.

The ocean swallowed the sun that turned to reddish.
The world turned dark.

Bekasi, 25 December 2007

Having Much Money Or Having Much Free Time

By : moehid

I remembered when I was in senior high school or exactly after I graduated from senior high school. I had much free time and I usually woke up late in the morning. I woke up about at 07.00 am. After that I usually helped my mother, I kept the store and in the afternoon I just watched television and took a nap. About 03.00 pm I went to IEC to have daily meeting. I used to do those things about a year before I got my job. It was really exciting when we had much free time, we could go anywhere and any time. Wherever and whenever. No matter it was holiday or not. But one thing that made me sad was when I didn’t have money. I couldn’t go anywhere and buy something. I realized that I hadn’t got the job yet at the time. And I always imagined someday I could have much money. When I was in this situation I always want to go anywhere. I can go hiking and traveling with my friends whenever I want. But the problem I didn’t have enough money at the time. So I only could go to the nearest place and buy the cheapest thing. How poor I am! I was thinking when I will get much money?

Having much money is everyone dreams. We work everyday only to earn some money and use the money to fulfill our daily need. Sometimes people work until late at night and sometimes people have to wake up very early only to reach their dream. As I know money is just a piece of paper or even coin, but why people earn and compete each other only to get money. Money causes anything, such as crime or murderer. The robber do robbery in the bank and the thief kills their victim only to get the money. Mother and son can fight each other only because of money.

Is money important? I think so. But in my opinion money is just a moment. It is not eternal. Someday when we pass away we do not need to bring our money. So that’s why we shouldn’t need to be enthusiastic to have lot of money.. For me, money is just a part of my life. God creates human and he has managed everyone’s life. Money is made by human, but why people really want to have it. I really confuse about it. Personally, I really want to have much money but sometimes I’m afraid I could forget all my friends or family. I just want to have much money when people among me have already gotten their money too. So no one will feel jealous with me.

I thank God that now I have worked and I could earn some money. Although it’s not as much as I want. God has given me the reward and I really thank to my beloved mother and father. They teach me how to be independence and patient. I work hard and I could collect my money. I still remember how happy I’m when I received my first salary, Even it is not more than a hounded thousand. But I always say thank to Allah SWT. I know how difficult my parents earn money to fulfill my daily need and pay my school fee. I hope I could always help my family and my friends. 

I imagine that someday I could go around the world or at least go around Indonesia if I have much money. Because my hobbies are traveling and hiking so I usually spend my money for them. How happy I’m when I have lot of money. But now I’m not really happy because I know our life is like a wheel. I really realize it. Sometimes we are up and sometimes we are down. We never feel satisfied to have something. That what I feel now. When you have much free time you have less money, but now when we have lot of money we have less time. If we have much time for holiday we usually feel bored but when we have no holiday we usually want to have refreshing. How weird are those? Yes that is our character and we can’t ignore it. We never feel satisfied and want more and more.

I suggest for those who are still have much free time, just use them before you are busy.
And for those who have a lot money just save them wisely. Enjoy your time without money because money is not everything. People said money is everything, without money you are nothing. That’s true, but what I want to emphasize is the function of money. Do not let the money manage your time and your life. You are the owner so you have to be able to manage it. Believe it or not money does not always make us happy. Remember inside the happiness there is sadness. Having holiday could mean a trouble for us. Never underestimate something. Prepare your trip well before going.
Good luck.

What Are You?: Understand It And Be It!

By : Daniel Pasaribu

Reading the title above will lead you to come up with ideas of its meaning , but I want to lead you to relate this simple question in to our theme issued this month. Sound silly? Not really, just by adding phrases like ‘assessment, final test and so on’ to the sentence I think it has something to do with EXAMINATION. Just by that simple way? And how it does come? Let me show you, be patient ok?

Before I forget to tell you what I want to say, I write down my purpose implicitly below and hopefully help you to get my point: that is to encourage you to study harder if you are a student.

It has become a tradition in our education calendar where after a final test, school or students have a holiday. Most students, but not all, prefer a holiday to test or have an examination. This situation can be seen from students’ behavior toward tests they will have. Some students study late until night just before the day of test, some feel very anxious, even some change of their life style. These are indicators of students who lack of preparation. These students do not understand what they supposed to be, what they have to do in the case of responsibility.

Here we want to see deeper beyond a test and a holiday. I believe we all have a clear understanding between the two. A test and a holiday can not stand alone; they can not be separated with aspects such as curriculum, syllabus, etc. They should be holistic as a union. That is also as an answer to question why there is not a holiday and a test only, but it’s also made clearly in one semester what a school has to do. There is time to study, do home work as written in the education calendar or in the syllabus on every subject of study, so once again these parts can not stand alone, it is impossible for students to have tests before completing a certain planning of study. If it happens, we will find the situation like presented above and students will fail to meet the demanding of the curriculum as written.

Talking about education calendar also can involve when a test will be held, when the holiday and the amount of time will be spent for a subject. And the term curriculum means to plan time and the purposes (BPNKTSP, 2:2006) Do you know who is in charge in curriculum? Yes , the government by education and culture minister responsible to pass the law called KEPMENDIKNAS , this law continued to SATUAN PENDIDIKAN and then this institution construct the education calendar and it must be based on STANDARD ISI ( if you want to know more about ‘curriculum’ come and joint with Mr. Sophian’s lecture). Now let us make a light analyzing: we have government, we have laws, teachers, students, Satuan Pendidikan, national education standard. They all work together just for one purpose, and I believe if one of them does not work there will be problems. And so it is the same for example students break rules, do not perform the curriculum, finally they hate the test because they are not well prepared.

Back to the question above; where are you? Now I think you can understand that this question refers to which category you belong to? Are you a student? A teacher? Or you are a student at the same time you are as a teacher? Understand what you must do! I really believe you will love when time of examination comes, when holiday is coming and you like sitting in the classroom to attend all subject written in the curriculum.

Here is to make it clearer: where are you? Determined by what your role and your work. Understand means we must play our role as its category. By understanding our role we will be more motivated, more focused to study, so if once again we are students and we will not hate a test any more.

Good luck!

My Aversions about the National Examination

By : Astri Cullen & Moreno Soeprapto

Huff…! Finally, my sister has passed her national and final exam. This year, perhaps, is one of the hardest years for her. I have been watching her for several months when she started preparing to face the national examination, and she looked so exhausted. It reminds me for several years when I was in my last grade in senior high school.

It was 2001 when I was in the 3rd grade of senior high school. I was in Science major at the time. Like other students in the same grade, I was nervous to face the national examination. Yet, it is definitely different now. There was no standardization for passing the national examination in my era. Thus, I was not too worried. I thought, with a good or bad score, I would pass the exam and graduate from my school.

However, my sister’s situation now is different from my situation. She must think and examine how to get the standard score otherwise she will fail.

Talking about the standard score as the requirement of passing the national examination, is it the best way to evaluate the student’s ability? And my answer is NO. It is not fair for students to judge whether they have enough ability or not to graduate from one phase to a higher phase by organizing the national examination. How come the government asks the standardization of passing the national exam whether there are so many schools that can not follow the standard curriculum? For instance, is it fair for the students in outlying place to get the same test with the students in urban area? As we know, students in outlying place do not have many good teachers and they also do not have many types of equipment to support their learning process. Thus, how come they are asked to have the same ability with the students that have high quality teachers and fulfill with sophisticated equipment which can support them in learning process.

Another reason why I disagree with the national examination as the tradition to evaluate the students’ ability is the conditions of the students when they face the exam. We never know whether the students in a good or bad condition. What if when the national exam is held, the student is sick? Or perhaps, he/she is in a big family problem and can not concentrate to answer test items. Can we still force this to those students? Ok, I know there are supplement tests for students who can not follow the exam on D-day. Yet, it still does not solve the main problem because there is also limited day for students who want to follow it. What if the students are still in a bad condition when the supplement test is held?

Even worse, there are so many schools that are dishonest when the tests are being held. They are worried that their students will fail so they help their student by helping them to answer the test or perhaps correct their answer sheet. Since they do not want to have the risk that it will demolish the school’s image, they will do anything to make all of their students pass the examination. Is it allowed? To avoid the bad reputation, they will teach the students about dishonesty. How come we will have a good generation whether the young generations have learned about fraudulent since they were kid?

Since the government has the standard scores of graduation in senior high school, almost all students do not agree with the government decision. They said it will kill them because the students must get the standard scores that are already given by the government. If they are not able to get the standard scores, they will fail. Student have to join the test even though they are sick or they have something to do. It means they will have it again next year. They think the government do not appreciate the three years when they were studying at school. Other bad effects of having UAN there are many unfair ways that we often found since the students have test, liked some students got the questions before the test was started or the teachers help the students answer the questions. Based on my experience when I was in senior high school I saw some friends who are often absent in the class and also rubbed to get good scores in test and unfortunately we also often found smart students in the class fail the test, it does not mean we under estimate the student’s skills, it’s real.

In my opinion, the government needs to change the ways or rules of UAN like the rules of the collage ways by using (IPK). By having these rules, it will help the students and they also can improve their skill every semester, but even though like that the government should give the standard scores for the last examination, and students have to get the standards. It will help them, because they have more than one chance to have good scores. And for the students who are not able to get the standard will have the second chance but not next year and the government should accommodate it.

Based on those reasons, I think the government should rearrange the system of the national examination. The government should pay attention about the students’ ability in each area. They must provide the auxiliary teacher in out lying place and some supports equipment in teaching-learning process. The government also must inspect the national exam standardization. Yet, not to forget to welfare the teachers’ life. Since, they will not teach maximally whether they always think about how to fulfill their families’ needs.

Sunday Morning

By: esoen Class

Sunday morning is a nice time for refreshing our mind from the daily routine on weekdays. Many people spend their Sunday mornings by having many activities to keep their body become healthier and fitter. Such as, go jogging, play basket ball, play football, play badminton etc. We have known that those activities will give us much benefit. But, we still have found that many people are still confused to decide about what activities they will spend on their weekend.

On my Sunday morning is same as others. It is like any other Sunday. I get up early in the morning just for praying Subuh. It needs many efforts to do that. Almost every Sunday is the hardest time for me to get up early in the morning. I wanna say thank a lot to my brother in law who never forget and give up waking me up in the early morning on Sunday. After that, the Devil always invites me to sleep again even I have promised not to do it after praying Subuh. So I am asleep immediately without any instructions. Then I get up to have my breakfast even though I am still sleepy. A plate of fried rice with fried chicken is my favorite breakfast in the morning besides having bread and milk.

Watching news at TV is nice time to get information more while having breakfast. This is one of my activities besides reading newspaper to get the up to date news from it. Jogging is one of my favorite daily activities after I am full. Even I go jogging for 10 minutes because I want to keep my healthy regularly. I usually go around housing with my historical shoes and a bottle of mineral water. Then I take a bath on up stair in my brother’s bathroom in a nice bedroom. Wearing clothes and cleaning up the bedroom are my activities after taking a bath before I pray Dhuha and start my nice Sunday with full of unpredictable activities.

Spend your time well to make your self better and better because your future is depending on your first step. Spend your Sunday morning with useful activities for today and tomorrow. So think wisely for your vacation.

Senin, 29 Juni 2009


Alhamdullilah, finally we can finish the second publish of our journal, which is arranged by some essay from STIBA IEC students. A simple looks and valuable content of concept are still used in this journal, why? We suppose the readers are not bored when they read and understand it.
Preparing the examination and spending our holiday tips and information will fulfils this journal. As we know that next month all of us will have a final test of this semester and we have to prepare it before getting a great score and of course holiday, then it could refresh our mind. In this case, you have to read some tips to spend these times more useful and nicer.
Not only tips, we also have poem and new rubric FYI (For Your Information) to make it more complete and richer. At this moment, we want to say thank you for all of STIBA IEC students which already give more participation to arrange this journal, Mr. Bejo Sutrisno as Editor, and Al Fahmi Pustaka Utama as Publisher.

Creative Team

Minggu, 28 Juni 2009

Just Traying to be honest

Just trying to be honest

Behind which other masks
do we hide our face full of scars

deep scars

So many masks that we have worn
Just to meet other masks on the face adorn
on the world play stage we perform

on the many thoughts that flash
in the mind behind so many masks

so let yor real face reveal
it is the veracious way to talk to yourself for real
and to God not to conceal

Translated by Desy Diah Resmisari

Bekasi, June 2008


For together

If we can fight together, we must be quite together
If we can play together, we must pray together
If we can plan together, we must stand for together
If we can hit together, we can beat together
If we can cry together, we must try together
If we can seek together, we must speak together

The future of someone is built on a plan
Of working together whenever we can
So "if" must stand so tall
And "must" alone, cannot fall
For together, forever we bring
The best, the good of it all

by ; Hasnia

What a Day!

Author unknwon

I had the most terrible day in my life. In the morning, I woke up at 7.00 o’clock while I had to start working at 7.30. I was shocked and took a bath quickly. After getting dressed, I felt so hungry. I remembered that the night before, I hadn’t had dinner, so no wonder if I felt really really hungry in the morning.
I went out from my bedroom and I found no ones home. I went to the kitchen and hoped I would find some food, but nothing was there. The only thing I could do was cooking noodles. After having breakfast, I was ready to work, but both of the motorcycles in my house were used, so I had to walk to look for the public transportation. My house was a little bit far from the main road, and I hated walking that far.
I arrived work late, and you know what? My boss was there. He was almost out everyday, but that day when I was late, he was there. Oh my gosh… he smiled strangely and we made a small talk. It was the firs time I chatted with my boss. While we were chatting, I got stomachache. I knew my stomach was sensitive. And because I ate noodles that morning, I got a terrible stomachache. My boss asked me to take some Pills but they didn’t work so he asked me to go home.
Since I knew that nobody’s home I decided to go to mall. And as soon as I arrived in the mall, my stomachache was gone. I went to the bookstore by lift. While I was in the lift the electricity went out and the lift stopped. I was so scarred because there were 5 people in the lift and I was the only woman. I prayed to god and those men were smiling when they are looking at my frightened face. After 15 minutes waiting, I thanked god that the lift started to move again.
I reached the third floor and went into the bookstore. Bookstore was my favorite place. I could spend many hours there. At the bookstore I met my old friend. I used to hate him because he always insulted me when we were in high school, but I had to admit that I missed him, though. We talked a moment and he started to insult me again. I knew that it was a joke but I couldn’t stand it anymore. So I snapped him and left that bookstore angrily.
I was so upset, and then I decided to watch a movie. Watching movie alone was very strange. At the movie, I kept thinking of the bad things that happened to me that day. I asked the god, why the more I thought, the more I felt tired, and then I realized that I slept for about an hour. I woke up in the end of the movie. Again, I felt bad. I was angry to my self.
Then, I felt hungry, so I entered my favorite restaurant but the seat was full. Oh my goodness! I hated that day so much. While I walking out the restaurant, a man called me. He was the man that I met in the stopping lift. He offered me to sit at his table. Since it was late in the afternoon and I hadn’t had lunch, so I accepted his offer. I sat there and ordered my favorite food. We talked about many things and he was an interesting man to talk with. From many topics that we talked about, I couldn’t get off of one topic. He told me about Thomas Alfa Edison. Edison was a deaf man, but Edison never thought that the deafness was a curse. Edison said that his deafness was blessing. Because of his deafness, Edison didn’t talk with people so often so he could have much time to study and do his experiment. So, “why don’t I think that day from the different point of view?” my mind kept talking like that.
After eating, he rode me home. At home, my family was there and my mom asked me about my day. I could say how terrible that day was, but instead I said that I had an interesting day. I could sleep more hours than usual, and I also learnt how to prepare breakfast for my self. I also did exercise that was really needed by my body and I felt fresh after walking for 10 minutes. At the office, I could chat with my boss and I knew how attentive he is to me, since he asked me to take medicine and went home when I was sick. And because of that I could spend my time in the mall. In the mall, I met a handsome man in the stopping lift; his face was really cute when he was smiling. I went to bookstore and met my old friend that I missed a lot. I also could take a nap on a comfortable sofa in a cinema. And the best part of that day is that I could have a meal together with that handsome man and I could learn something.
My point of view was changed. I could see a positive side from the terrible event. What an interesting day!

Hikers Vs Vandals

By : Abdul moehid

Both of them are absolutely different. But they have the same place to do and work in. They have relation each other, even basically the meaning are different. Vandals are the person who likes to destroy and damage something, could be the public facilities and natural resources. That is what I think and guess. Hiker is someone who enjoys traveling and likes exploring new places, and they usually love Mother Nature. They usually explore the jungle, forest, river, hill, or mountain. But that is according to my friend who has activity as the hiker. Actually I’m a hiker too, but I’m not the real hiker because I didn’t join any education of navigation skill or survival training, except for Boy Scout extracurricular when I was at my high school. I just enjoy seeing the Mother Nature and appreciate what the God has created for us. I also ever climbed some mountains in Indonesia. I started camping when I was in junior high school, and I went hiking with my friends when I was in second grade of junior high. So what I want to share with you is the experiences of climbing some mountains. It isn’t about the story when I climbed the mountain, but it is about the environment around the mountain or forest among them. Maybe for you who is hiker will not interested in reading this journal, because you have seen what the mountain like. But I want to tell the readers who have never known about the mountain and what is it like.
Do you think it is nice to explore the forest or mountain? Yes, but if the mountain or forest is clean. I ever had an experience that gets on my nerves. I feel sad and shy as the hiker. I saw too much garbage in the mountain and forest. I was thinking that the doer is not the hiker, because like my friend said that hiker loves Mother Nature. They will keep cleaning and think green. It was shocking me when I visited Rinjani mount in Lombok. The High is about 3.726 mdpl. This mount usually visited by some foreigners from other countries. They are really interested in viewing the Sagara Anak Lake and the Top of Rinjani. But why the mount is still dirty. Don’t we feel shy to our guest that came to Indonesia? I ever made the conversation during my trip in Rinjani with one of the foreigner (Bule). I was with Mukhlas. Actually, Mukhlas and I just want to practice, and also to get new friend, but unfortunately I didn’t remember the name, but I remember what he said. Here is my talk with him
Me : Excuse me sir, how do you do?
The foreigner : Hey, hello how do you do.
Me : Hmm…I’m Moehid, what’s your name?
The foreigner : My name is……….
Me : This is my friend Mukhlas.
Mukhlas : Hay sirs…where are you from?
The Foreigner : Well, I’m from Scotland.
Me : Are you on vacation?
The foreigner : Yes we are, and we have been here about a week.
Me : wow that’s nice. Hmm…by the way have you summited the top?
The foreigner : yes we have, and we are going to stay in Sagara Anak now.
Me : what do you think about this mount? Is it beautiful?
The foreigner : yes, it is. But unfortunately it’s dirty. This is the dirtiest mount that I ever climbed!!! 
Me : (just said OH MY GOD…. then talk about other)

How sad and how poor we are. The Bule was saying that. It is embarrassing, isn’t it? Rinjani is the third highest mountain in Indonesia, but it’s dirty. So in my opinion vandals and hiker are almost the same. What I mean is that sometimes the adventurer or hiker can be a vandal, but vandals seldom to be adventurer or hiker. Why is that? I classify some types of hiker. I think hiker has the mask. Not all of hiker loves Mother Nature.
Here they are:
1. The hiker who appreciate the natural resources and always keep the Mother Nature (Excellent Hiker).
2. The hiker who enjoy exploring Mother Nature but don’t care about the environment (Explorer Hiker).
3. The hiker who doesn’t like to keep clean (Thrower Hiker).
4. The hiker who makes dirty in forest or mount (Stupid Hiker).
5. The hiker who likes to clean and do the greener in mountain (Helper hiker).
6. The hiker who sees too much garbage but let them only (Observer Hiker).
7. The hiker who just complains about the environment but does nothing (Lazy Hiker).
8. The hiker who supports the greener and participate to socialize (Supporter Hiker)
9. The hiker who likes to write about the environment (Writer Hiker) like me …
10. The hiker who has no experience about exploring the mountain (New Hiker).
Well, are those funny? I hope not. I wish it could motivate you to appreciate the environment. It looks simple to do so, but I think it needs strong intention to do it. Let’s STOP LITERING and ILLEGAL LOGGING. We should SAVE OUR FOREST and THINK GREEN. You do not need too much money to participate in it, just make habit to throw anything in the dustbin. If you don’t find any dustbin just save it on you pocket and bag. You will have fresh air and weather if you participate to do the green. On April 22nd is the Earth Day, so I think it is a nice moment to start Greener. Just start from ourselves then share it to other people. I hope this simple journal will realize you to do the best. Remember do something simple and make anything valuable.

April 18th 2009