Rabu, 02 September 2009

Good morning rain

By : anailal Armstrong

You are the blessing
that was given by God
to the earth
as the blessing that is given
to me
to know and be able to listen to all of her story

Because there is no reason

By : hasnia

Close your eyes and think the beauty one
Close and feel it warm
Close and find the thoughts that make you smile
Close, close, and close
Close until they become one

Do not go
Do not open
Do not give up
Just try, your soul and you become one
Forget all, all and all
Start now!

Do not go
Because all will change
Changed by you
And do not give up
Because there is no reason

You are the thing created by God
And open your eyes now
Let’s smile
Open, open do not close your eyes


By : Astri Cullen

You cry, I don’t
You’re hurt, I’m not
You’re still, I’ve gone
It isn’t fair to you

You give me love
You give me hope
You give me everything I need
Yet I never respect that

You’re always here
When I need a shoulder
You give me smile when I need a fellow
You wipe away my tears when I’m upset
But I don’t give a damn about you

Now, you’ve gone and will never be back again
With all your love and devotion
No more shoulder when I need to cry
No more smile when I need a friend

That’s my entire fault…

Learn to be Independent

By : Hasnia

Independent? What is independent? According to oxford’s dictionary, Independent does not need money from other people, able to work alone. In that case, it is hard to be independent, isn’t it??

When I read in a magazine, I found the information that people in America and Singapore are independent, they may stay in their parent’s house until they got their real age, the real age means: when they pass in senior high school, they have to go from their parent’s house, such as go to boarding house or looking for the job. They just come to their parent’s house if there is a holiday or an event. That what really happens in some modern countries, such as America and Singapore. Can we apply that custom in our country? And have you ever thought about that?
To be independent is hard and if we just stay, never think about it, our way of life will not change. If you don’t start to be independent, your children and then your grand children, and keep going on will not be independent.
Start now!
It refers to my experience, in fact, to be independent is not that difficult but it is not easy well. It depends on the people, it is whether you want to try or just stay and wait for something to happen in the next day. Don’t be like that because what you do now will give impact the next time. It may sound strange but my father once told me it is real. That was the first time I was thinking about my life.
At midnight I woke up and pray, I closed my eyes and I wanted to change my paradigm, I tried to smile, smiled to the sun and smiled to the stars, moon in the night. And now I know to be independent is not that difficult, however, it is not easy too. Try to smile when we find something that makes us give up, think positively, be brave and believe that God will always be with you. Do your best and you will get the best, and be patient because patient is something that makes us independent, always be patient.
So, for my friend, be independent, by being independent we can find the real thing, do not make our parents confused because now we know that independent is not that difficult, keep in our mind that we can do it, without help and be yourself.

So we can start to become independent by:
2.Being brave
3.Being Patient
4.Believe in your self

First, we have to smile so the future will also smile to you because the future depends on you and next is brave. Brave means all the way we want to do then just do it. Do not be afraid because it is one of the best way to be independent but do not be afraid if it is wrong it becomes your great experience and then be patient because all the things need process, and the last but not least is believe. It means that don’t forget to pray to God that everything will be good and believe in yourself, so just think positively.

Think first and try now, do not wait until tomorrow!

Be Different, Be Independent, Be You!

By : NAilal Armstrong

My friends often call me a weirdo.

At first, I didn’t care about that name. But gradually I felt disturbed. And here I need to defense myself. I need to tell that there are many weird people around us and even much weirder than I am.
Let me tell you the examples. In my campus I have a friend (to cover her real identity, let us just call her ‘the-weirdo’). One time in our campus, ‘the-weirdo’ was doing a cross word puzzle while waiting for the lecture to come to class. But there was a word she couldn’t figure out. ‘The-weirdo’ asked her friend, Petra.
“Eh, Pet! Four letters: malang, sial ?”
“NAAS !” Petra said enthusiastically.
“Four letters, Pet!” The-Weirdo wasn’t sure.
“Yes. Naas is four letters!” Petra assured her impatiently.
“But the second letter is A!” the-weirdo became the-stupid. My friends and I in the class room were waiting for Petra reaction. Petra couldn’t control her emotion, “That is NAAS!”
“NO, FOUR LETTERS! THE SECOND LETTER IS A!” The-weirdo insisted.
“YES! IT’S NAAS!!!” Petra exploded.
‘Mmm, hey, you’re right.’ The-weirdo said.

There was also a weirdo in my office. He is an Office Boy (once more, to cover his real identity, let us just call him the-OB. One day, when I wanted to go to a bathroom, I was very surprised! I saw the seated toilet was broken in two pieces. Can you imagine the toilet made of the-big-strong-porcelain-seated toilet can break that way?! In my mind, there were critical questions: who broke it? Was there anyone broke the toilet as a result of terrorism? Or was there anyone pooped a bomb?
After that, I know that someone who broke the toilet was the-OB. He pooped by squatting in the seated toilet.

Now! Who is weirder?
But as the time went by, as the age went by, I understand more that I am really weird. I like to write and also like to be alone. You can say that I am introvert. Sometimes, I could not hear let alone listen people talking near me or to me when I was reading a book or anything else. It is like I am in my own world when I am reading books.

I had sent SMS to Petra and made her cry successfully –but I didn’t mean it. And she didn’t speak to me in a week.
After one week she wanted to meet me. I thought she wanted to say sorry for her fault, her big fault. And I will always accept her apology. I met Petra and she said that she didn’t speak to me was that because she wanted to give me a lesson!
I asked her for the reason. She said that it was because my answer in my last-week-SMS. Yes, I remembered the SMS that I sent her at that time. I wrote that she was like a STONE! I thought that was not rude, but maybe I sent the message in bad time. Maybe at that time she needed someone to share about her problem.
And she cried.

To be honest, there are many of my friends (especially girls), cried because of what I did or said. And here I am rethinking: am I really a weirdo?
With my weirdness, I see people through my perspective. And because I have different perspective with others, so it also creates a different result. Or with the simple word, I am weird!
Eventhough the word ‘weird’ here does not always have bad connotation. Maybe every one has her or his own ‘weirdness’. That’s because we have different point of view, every point of view looks from its own mindsets. The way we speak, the way we walk, the way we act must be different from one to another. That is something that makes us different, makes our own ‘weirdness’.

I am thinking about my self. I am not a follower. I am not such a follower that follows to see orchestra or listen to jazz so that I will look like a gentleman. Or I am proud because I ever climbed the highest mountain in Indonesia. I am not someone who pretends to be sad when I watch movies or when I read poems, maybe some people think that sad is romantic, and romantic is a style.
I am not a person who puts other people good impression at the first place and makes it more important than what I really want and like. Be different, be independent, be you!

Independent or in-depend-ent?

By : Arlin Tinkerbell

How ironic!
The bomb had just blown up just a month before the Independence Day. Isn’t that pathetic? When we believe that we have lived under secure and no more terrors or colonization, the unexpected thing emerged. It was less than 5 minutes to mess up everything that had been built to ensure the world about the security issue in Indonesia. Many people hurt, not only mentally but also physically.
We do not know to whom they sent the bombs. There were many innocence people there. Perhaps some of them were waiting for their friends or their families, or they just enjoyed having breakfast. Can you imagine as if your father, or your mother or could be anyone that you love was there? You then realized didn’t have a chance to say that you love them or just to apologize for the things you had done in the past. Well, we never know what we’ve already had till it’s gone, right? Count your bless!!! Then, it will never be enough…
Ok, now let’s get back to the Independence Day… What does independence exactly mean? Here, I’m going to underline the topic to the equality of freedom among the gender. So, the independence shall mean as an acknowledgement over superior women so that not only men who can lead a way. It is proven by the last general election. We had Megawati as one of the candidates of the next president. Even she didn’t win the election yet she had already shown to this country that a woman also could get herself into the politic battle.
See…There are many opportunities actually for women if we believe and confidence to ourselves. Nothing is impossible!! If you go traveling in Jakarta by taking Trans Jakarta, you will find that not all the drivers are men. Some are women and they are very stylish! No matter what your occasion is, the style will always come first ;)…
But just like any other understandings, there comes a squabble over the independence of women. Sometimes these wonder women are treated badly whether in their work place or even in their homes. Sexually abused and household violence are the most crime action that they got.
That’s the weakness of the Independence Day! When we have passed the gender issue, it is not followed by the change of condition where women always are at the weak side. Even nowadays the modern women can protect themselves from the criminal doers but women are still women, right? Not all women are blessed by the talent of doing martial art…
In this globalization era, and when Indonesia is going to commemorate its 64th Independence Day, women still haven’t had their freedom of fear completely. Women are still the target of the criminal. In some remote areas in Indonesia, where they still hold on their custom that women are never be the same with men, that women will always be number two in any situations, that men can do anything to their women, that women don’t have to go to school, etc. Well, guys, based on those facts, can we still declare that we have already lived independently? Independence should be felt by all people in this world. No matter what, men or women, young or adult, curly or straight, thin or fat and no matter what color your skin is, black or white… (hehehe.. long live of the king of pop!!!!)
Well, back to the topic, in some cases which for some men whose wives are career women; they will make that condition as a reason to wash hand from their responsibilities as the leader of the family. This will lead to the household violence. So, what should those women do?
Well, there are some organizations that concern to the women’s violence issue. They will hear their moans, and they will protect them. There will be a concealing how to cope with some problems that often be faced by the women in common. Nowadays, people are free to speak their minds, not exception the women. That what independence is all about, right? As women we should more concern about the things that happen to us, we are supposed to be the guardian angel for ourselves. Don’t let anyone hurt you! Since we have rights to live happily and live fearlessly.
So, ladies, in this Independence Day, let’s show to the world that Indonesian women are powerful, unbeatable, reliable, smart, lovable and caring… fight for your dreams cause we are independent women not in-depend-ent. We are all equal. Happy Independence Day, guys!!!