Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

What does the relationship between Books and Me look like?

It’s like Nobita and his comics
every cent collected for comics in the weekends
that finished in a breath
for a laugh as long as he breathes

Nailal Armstrong
Bekasi, October 2007


Beauty brings the dark
Believe in yours the right answer in the deepest
Go away the demon
Help me the angel

Give me light
Light of love
Light of life
Light of everything

Moreno Soeprapto
Bekasi, August 2009



It is cold in the early morning
Then the sun shines brightly
The butterflies fly freely
No one can’t stop them

Everything runs in common
Goes around in the morning
Without caring each other
It is extremely flat

When everything has done
They start to open the eyes
Start to be closer
It has done many times
They are like a blind

Need to struggle
Need to be forced
They are in their habit
It is hard to change

E-Soen Class
SMAN 3, August 2009

Welcome ramadhan

Written By : Astri Cullen

Almost 25 years I have been feeling the beautiful Ramadhan. This is the month that I am waiting for every year. Even all Muslims in the world are waiting for this special month. All Muslims do the charity and good deeds. Nevertheless, we are supposed to do good things or be good persons not only in this month but also in the other months. Yet, I think people will agree with me that there are so many special things in Ramadhan which are too valuable to miss.
When I was a kid, I knew that Ramadhan was a special month for Muslims, but I did not know that it was so special. I just knew Ramadhan was the month when Muslims fast, have a holiday, and play with my friends. I even did not know what was the truly meaning of Ramadhan. All I needed to know about fasting was just not eating and drinking from dawn until dusk. That’s all.

More over, there are a lot of mischiefs that I did in my childhood during the fasting month. As a child, just like the average, it was so hard for me not to have a meal from dawn until dusk. Sometimes I said to my mother that I was fasting but in fact I was not. I used to take some beverages from the refrigerator and drank out of my mother watch. Oh, how silly I was at that time. Yet, I did not know that was a sin.

We could not hide a mistake forever. There was one moment when my mother unexpectedly ran into me as I was drinking syrup. My mother was so angry and told me that I did not have to fast anymore. I could drink and eat as much as I want. No more fasting. She said that she never wanted again to wake me up for having the meal together before dawn and it was horrible.

Later, even though my mother did not wake me up for having the meal before dawn, I still fast without eating anything. You can imagine how weak I was at that time. And the worst, my mother did not allow me to go out of home because she knew I would buy something to eat. I did not know why my mother was so angry, I was just a kid! Eventually, I got the answer a few years later.

Now, I understand why my mother got angry when she knew her daughter did not fast. Doing fast is one of the important devotion as a Muslim. It is done not only because we are afraid of our parents or we feel ashamed that our friends are fasting and we are not, but it is the way to show our devotion and obedience to Allah SWT. There are so many things that we can learn by fasting. We will have more respect to each other, share the thing that we have to the poorer, and the most important thing is the way to get closer to Allah. There are a great number of rewards we can achieve in this month. All of our hopes will be granted as long as we do the good deeds. and also, we will get bonus received on the Ied Mubarok day. Oh, I wish all months were Ramadhan…

I am a good boy

Written by : nailal

There is a question that has been in my mind since I was kid; how long will we live in the heaven after we death?

After graduating Elementary School, I continued my study to Islamic Boarding School. I asked that question to my teacher who understood about that, and I got varied answers. One of them answered that the life in hereafter was eternal. Endless.

“Won’t we get bored in the heaven, sir?” I who was really sure entering the heaven asked.
“It won’t!” the teacher explained, “Everything is different between the earth and the hereafter.”
According to his explanation, there will be nobody who pees and poops. There will be very beautiful angels and rivers as white as milk and as sweet as honey. There will not be any fights and riots, everyone loves each other. Everything will be perfect there!
On the other hand, in the hell, the sinful people will be tortured with the very hot fire. Some say, if someone steps on the fire stone there, even the smallest one, it will be enough to boil his brain!

Yes, how scary the hell is! And how tempting the heaven is!
But honestly, I was confused when the teacher gave that explanation. And it was too hard to understand for me as a child. I thought; will the wives be jealous when their husbands surrounded by the pretty angels? Where will the waste in my stomach go if we never poop and pee?

Besides, I still want to be a good person. It is like Ahmad Dani feat Crisye Song, if the heaven and the hell don’t exist, will you still pray to God?


I have a story about that.
In one early Sunday morning, I rode Fikri, my brother, to Depok by Honda-Astrea70-released-in-80 motorbike for a job interview. If I am not mistaken, it was a few days after Ied Mubarok day.
When the there was a tree junction, I slowed my bike. We slipped through the crowd very smoothly. But suddenly, from the left back side, there was some one riding a motorcycle very fast and hit the motorcycle in front of him. Screeeeeech!!!! CRASH!!! Two motorcycles hit the ground. It was horror. Everything seemed like in a slow motion. The world seemed like slowing down and then paused in a moment…
Fortunately, both the motorcycle riders were saved; include one more person who sat behind one of the rider. They weren’t dead. But unfortunately, one of the motorcycles that hit the ground was mine! At first I didn’t know what was really going on. All I know that suddenly there was a strong push from my left back side that caused my bike went trembling and finally hit the ground.
After a while we came back to reality. The people around the crime scene helped us to walked aside. As the innocent one, I tried to be calm.

“How are you? You’re alright, aren’t you?” the man who hit me asked. In my mind I wanted to be angry and shouted at him, but that didn’t happen. I saw that his motorcycle was damaged. It was worse than mine. And I could see he is older than I am. And maybe he was having a complicated mind or problem when he was riding motorcycle.
“I am OK! What about you?” I answered his question. And he explained the chronological event. I forgot the conversation. And with my maturity and a predicate as a good boy, I shake his hand. Before that, we exchanged our identity cards each other. And without my knowing he went somewhere. So my brother and I sat on the side of the road and didn’t know what to do.

And suddenly….
There was a middle-aged man greeted us.
“Wa’alaikum salam!” Fikri and I answered together. Before he came to us we saw him asking some mineral water in the shop near us but he didn’t get the water.
“Is Depok near or still far from here, boys?” the middle-aged man asked.
“Yes, sir! It’s still far from here! We also want to go there but we are having misfortune” I answered.
“We have some water, you may take it.” Fikri said.
“Where are you from?” I asked curiously.
“My wife is in a hospital to give a birth” he gave unasked information, “but I didn’t have enough money to pay the hospital. So, I decided to borrow some money from my relatives in Cikarang. When I arrived in their house, they weren’t there. They went hometown. And because I didn’t have any money, so I have to go to Depok from Cikarang on foot…. “

Walk from Cikarang?!
Yup, at that time my conscience said: ‘Come on Nailal! Help him!” we felt pity and decided to give some money to him. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for public transportation cost to Depok. He finally left after thanking us. And my text messages to some friends were answered relatively disappointing.


It was only a story about my experience. And as long as there is someone needs help, I will always try to do my best.
Maybe there is a question in your mind; why do I never feel enough to help people? I have simple answer; it is because I believe that I will be helped, that some one will help me some day when I need one. Allah still want to help His servant as long as the servant still want to help his/her brother, Rasulullah has ever said that.
Yes, it was true, bro! After helping the middle-aged man, Fikri and I tried to do as he did. Walking home. Not to mention carrying the damaged Honda-Astrea70-released-in-80 motorbike. But there was another thing happened. We finally didn’t go home on foot, because not so far from the crime scene, we got helped by a thin-long-haired-parking-man. He asked what was going on and then he checked my motorcycle right away without even asked permission. But he did ask for a screwdriver and pliers that was put under the motorcycle seat to fix the motorcycle handlebar.
Hocus Pocus… Abracadabra… the handlebar was fixed! My motorcycle could run again eventhough it wasn’t as fast as before. We got home with some bruises, but most importantly, we were safe and sound.

Fasting and The lazines

Written by : Abdul Moehid

Fasting month is coming. What are your preparations and what is your goal? I disagree with the saying that fasting makes us hungry or lazy or sleepy. I guess it depends on who performs this ritual. Fasting is very useful and good for our body and even soul. Many scientist and doctor suggest having fasting at least once a month.

In Ramadhan month we fast about a month and as good Moslems we must do it because it is our obligation to fast. I’m sure you have known the statement that asks us to do fasting. It is written in Qur’an surah Al-Baqoroh verse 183. So for those who are still not fasting in Ramadhan month, I suggest you to do it and be better persons. Remember, we live just a moment in this world. So let’s do the best for our lives and don not be lazy….

Laziness is the feeling when people do not want to do anything. Our body seems so weak and there is no energy. Why can it be so? I suppose there are many reasons. People do many activities everyday so that is why they get tired and finally the laziness occurs. It can also come from our environment, if your friends are lazy you might be lazy too. Laziness is the negative behavior that we should avoid. Lazy person never succeed, like the proverb says “no pain no gain” or in Indonesian proverb “berakit rakit ke hulu bereneang renang ketepian, bersakit-sakit dahulu baru senang kemudian” which means that we do not enjoy our time only, but we must also work hard to reach our success, of course by being a diligent person and pray to God.

Fasting is not the reason that makes us lazy. We should know the purposes to do fasting. Fasting is one of the ways we learn how to suppress our anger and desire, of course by not eating or drinking anything from dawn until dusk. Fasting will make us healthy. Many things we can do to make our fasting better and the most important thing avoid the laziness. Do not just sleep all day long in fasting month although people say someone who does fasting and sleep still get reward from God. But If I may suggest you, do not to sleep too long or sleep a whole day and do nothing else. It just makes your fasting useless. I think there are some ways to avoid the laziness and make our fasting time better in quality. Here are some suggestions. You may either follow or leave them.

• Wake up early in the morning
• Do not go back to sleep in the morning
• Sleep well at night
• Do not stay up late
• Select your best friends
• Find your friends who are smart and diligent
• Drink milk to get extra energy
• Think of your sin and the future
• Join some organization or community
• Take wudhu and pray
• Read Quran

Angel and Demon undestand them and follow

Written By : Daniel Pasaribu

The phrase angel and demon is an example of a pair of antonyms. The characteristics of the two are always opposite or against one another. If the angel goes right the demon is the opposite. They are like the story of ‘Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih’. But why do people become demon (read: allow themselves become the victims of demon’s work)? And how important is to know more of the two?
To make clear the differences between angel and demon, we have to understand them. I have ever tried to define their characters, which Angel is right and Demon is wrong, good and bad. And I think everyone agrees.
But it is not stop until there, because in reality, it is not as simple as good and bad. Why? We are brought up by our parents to do the right things. But we as human being sometimes lead to do evil things. It means, good and bad the same possibilities for human to choose. That is the problem! Angel and demon’s works are real. When we do a good thing, the devil spirit is always there to convince us to do evil.
The bottom line here is not only how well we understand them, but we also must have the strength and even courage to choose to do the right thing. Many people know well the difference between good and evil, but not many of them are strong enough to choose the right one. Knowledge or knowing something is good does not guarantee it can make someone does a good thing.
But then again, life is a matter of choices. Choices do determine who we really are. Either good or bad, it is up to you, however.

The True Meaning Of Independence

Independence means the freedom to separate ourselves from personal ideologies and intellectually challenge ourselves to see the full scope of an issue in order to find real solutions for the good of the whole.
Independence means we must not depend on the opinions of others, but on the factual issues and actions of individuals and our governments.
Independence means choosing to empower ourselves with the information to independently make up our own minds.
Independence means creating a world society in which we can perceive nations through a satellite view, rather than a microscopic view, and make value judgments based on what's good for the future, rather than the present.
Independence means we have the freedom to pursue personal needs while choosing global motivations, and face the consequences of those actions, both wonderful and tragic, with the intent to learn, grow, and gain wisdom.
True independence means recognizing that every type of thought and belief system has something to teach, to offer, and that if we learn from those in our world, our chances of creating real change for the betterment of all increases exponentially.
Wisdom demands we further our own independence by freeing ourselves from the prison of personal experience by embracing realities other than our own and thereby freeing ourselves from the shackles of ignorance.