Minggu, 28 Juni 2009

A Wise Measure in The General Election 2009

he general election has just been held on 9th April 2009 but the confusion of its calculation and also the list of the permanent voter had colored the out come of its election. A great number of reports around this election had been a polemic that could not been solve until this journal is published. Some of national parties blamed the Commission of the General Election and wanted the remedial election. However, could the remedial election solve this problem?
If we try to figure out the mind master of this confusion, we will have a great difficulty. This problem would not be solved by knowing the mind master and it also would obstruct the progression of this country. Quoting of Mr. Junino Jahya (Suara Peruri), the Managing Director of one of the state-owned corporation, if we have a problem, it is better to solve it immediately than just trying to figure out who should be blamed intensively. It is wiser and more useful than just blaming someone.

The citizen’s franchise
I have written in my face book that a good citizen is someone who uses their franchise correctly. If we think that our voice will not influenced the result of the general election, we are definitely wrong. How come we develop this lovely country if we do not have any contribution? Even just spending 5 minutes to vote a party that will be our representative is better than doing nothing. I know that some of citizens had lost their trust to parties but it does not make any sense that all of the parties are bad. I believe some parties still have conscience and ambition to develop this country.
The confusion of the list of permanent voter is not just responsibility of the Commission of the General Election. We are as good citizen have to find out whether we do not have invitation to give our voice in taking a vote location. We have to report to the committee that we have not been listed as the permanent voter yet and the committee will take some action. Not just blaming the committee whether we are not listed as the permanent voter because it is also our responsibility to succeed the general election.

Facing the president election
There are some preparations that we have to do before the president election in July 2009. Here are some tips we have to do before electing one the president candidates:
1. Knowing the candidates
One voice will influence the future of this country. Thus, do not choose the candidates based on the face, the title, or the party. It is better for us to recognize the biography of the candidate. See the vision and mission, are they logic or illogic?
2. Follow the course of the candidates history
We must see the back ground of the candidate whether they have criminal, scandal, or corruption case. It is very important for us because we definitely do not want to have a president that involved in a lot of problems.
3. Convince that you have been listed as the permanent voter
For those who have been 17 years old or more and also have had the identity card, you must convince that you have been listed as the permanent voter. Do not let the previous confusion happen again. Show that you care with this election.
4. Do not be the follower
If your friends choose the candidate A, you do not have to have the same choice. Choose one of the candidates that is not opposite with your conscience. If you think your friend’s choice will not give the citizen a more prosperous, why you must choose him/her as the president?
5. Do not choose the candidate whose party give you some money
The party that still uses money politic to reach their ambition will not bring about their vision and mission. They could be the angel as the campaign is held, but after they are chosen they will became the evil.
The Indonesian future is our hand, so do not waste our franchise. What we choose now will change the condition of this country 5 years later whether better or even worse.
It is written not because I am a good citizen, but it is because there are so many Indonesian who no longer respect to their country.

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